Industry Insights
Traffic calming solutions can be flexible
Driver feedback signs from Radarsign™ are designed to flexible and portable enough to rotate them to multiple locations. So signs used primarily in school zones can be moved to other locations in the summer months. Charlie Robeson: Radarsign™ Co-founder & Director of Sales and Marketing
“Driver feedback signs from Radarsign™ solve a manpower issue”
“Driver feedback signs from Radarsign™ can have a measurable ROI by solving a manpower issue. When they are installed in high traffic areas, police officers are freed up to patrol other critical-need locations.”
Pedestrian Safety Stats: “It’s One Reason Why Traffic Calming Matters”
Did you know that a pedestrian is injured by a vehicle every 8 minutes? This is just of many pedestrian safety statstics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that affirms the importance of traffic-calming solutions like those from Radarsign. Charlie Robeson: Radarsign™ Co-founder & Director of Sales and Marketing
“Residents demand speed hump removal…again.”
Yet another story of residents requesting speed hump removal. Did you know that speed humps slow emergency responders, decrease property values and reduce fuel efficiency? Driver feedback signs are scientifically proven to be more effective at slowing speeding drivers and do not cause any of the shortcomings associated with speed humps. Charlie Robeson: Radarsign™ Co-founder…