Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

As traffic approaches the Radarsign speed sign, they slow down tremendously to meet the posted speed

They’re absolutely working as we hoped. In fact, I’m a council member in my town and we just ordered 2 more signs. The data from our Radarsign speed signs tells the real story; it gives us the power to say it’s OK here, and we need to concentrate on this area.

They actually work better than what we were expecting. No one in our department had prior use or knowledge, so we’ve been pleased. If we need another driver speed sign, we’ll get it from Radarsign.

We love the signs. They’re good heavy duty, quality signs, and the battery life has been good… We’re not a large town—about 6 square miles and 12,000 population—and rotating our 2 signs works really well for us. We use the data we get from the signs to target traffic enforcement at certain times on streets with a traffic speeding issue.

The StreetSmart software helps us determine if we have a problem in a certain area. I don’t even have to get out of my car to pull data or make changes.

We’ve seen a change in driver behavior in the locations where we’ve put a sign. After we’ve moved it, we’ve even gone back to a previous location, and can still see a change there.

We bought the second unit from Radarsign because we’ve been happy with the product, as well as the customer support and tech support we’ve gotten

They signs work great. They do a good job of giving folks a chance to correct their speed before entering the campground.

There have been a couple of roads where the problem was worse than we thought. Having the data from the signs brought the issues to our attention and we were able to step up enforcement on those roads.

The Radarsign speed signs have received positive feedback from the community. They have a calming effect on drivers who prefer the feedback signs over patrol officers.

We’ve had absolutely no problem with any of our Radarsigns at all. In fact, the very first one we installed got knocked over by a fellow driving a dump truck—and it still works like it’s new.

People love these signs here. I’ve had several police departments and other school districts call me to see where I got them. They like having the signs that ‘screams at speeders’.

Our story is probably like a lot of other schools: We had the standard two blinking school zone lights, and people just got so used to seeing them that they ignored them

We looked at 4-5 manufacturers during our process; we chose Radarsign because of the size of the sign, the battery life, portability and ease of installation, and the data we could pull. We really like that we can run them in stealth mode or full operation, and use that feature a lot.

We wanted to get the meat and potatoes. Radarsign had more of what we specifically wanted. We could get the bells and whistles if we wanted them, but we didn’t have to purchase them just to get the basics.

Streetsmart software is super easy to use…It’s easy to download data and upload the info; it gives us good information and lets us know if we need to be able to sit at that location at a certain time.

Our local power company wanted us off the grid as part of the county’s efforts to go green. We realized we could enhance safety and go green by switching from hardwired to solar radar signs.