Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

The traffic study after installation showed that the sign has helped slow traffic 3-4 miles an hour from the 85th percentile—and anything is good. Our radar sign is doing what it’s supposed to.

I am very pleased with compactness, weight, and battery life of the TC-400 and its overall capabilities. They are most definitely effective in slowing traffic.

The traffic data is very useful, especially when there are exaggerated claims of excessive speeding, like 55 in 25 mph zone.

We’ve had zero battery issues. They run 24/7, just like you expect them to. You (at Radarsign) have a great product. We’re very happy with our decision and with the signs.

The police department was not always able to dispatch officers to monitor and hand out tickets. We saw the TC-400 as a way to solve that problem”especially since it is portable and we can move it around easily.

We have created traffic data files on some of the more problematic streets, documenting the speeds and times, using Radarsign’s Streetsmart. This will help build a case for permanent placement of another Radarsign driver feedback sign.

Before the signs were up, the cars didn’t slow down, especially the big trucks. After the signs were installed, I can see people up ahead slowing down. Everybody hits their brakes.

They work great. They are very effective. The feedback is very positive.

There was a community cry about speeders, and the knee-jerk reaction was, ˜We need speed bumps.’ We didn’t want to go straight to speed bumps because of the time and expense involved, and this Radarsign product would allow us to really look at the traffic data. What we found was that these are even more effective than speed bumps. These signs are bullet-resistant, easy for our staff to operate, just a great all-around tool. It’s one of the best investments we’ve made outside of traditional policing in a long time.

From a citizen’s perspective, this builds trust in the city responding to their complaints. When someone calls in with an issue, we can deploy one of these signs immediately.

This is the first year that the city can plan to use radar signs on main thoroughfares in the winter because, unlike speed trailers, these will not interfere with snow plows. They will not have to be moved when the streets need to be cleared.

We can use them almost anywhere, even on streets that were previously inaccessible to speed trailers.

We have only one patrol officer. People complain about speeders but we can’t keep an officer everywhere. This is like our second police officer.

They are working very well and the residents of Danbury are very happy with the program.

The 4 signs are located in the neighborhood and we have noticed they do work to slow the drivers down and the residents are happy with the signs. We have not had any complaints, only positives.

Since installing our radar speed signs, we are seeing a lot of brake lights and have found that we have to do less patrolling.

Citizens like them. They tell us that when the see their speed flash on the sign, they are more aware that they are speeding and often didn’t realize they are driving too fast.

We chose Radarsign because I saw some in McPherson (about five miles away). I called them to get their opinion on them. They really like theirs so I decided to give Radarsign a call.

We looked at a couple different options from several manufacturers. A local agency, the city of Pella , had a Radarsign brand sign and spoke highly of the company. We liked the mobility to move the sign about the county as necessary.

Since deploying the signs, we have gotten incredibly positive feedback from the community and members of our neighborhood watch…The size and portability were the important factors, but we also found it was well designed and effective

We’re a major route between Columbia, SC and Myrtle Beach. We have roughly 12,000 vehicles come through each day. Just about every car I see approach the sign, I also see brake lights.

It’s easy to put up and take down, very accessible to my officers.