Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We learned about Radarsign, and initially bought one to try as a replacement for the previous manufacturer’s sign whose housing failed. Since that time, we’ve replaced all the signs with Radarsign brand and even purchased some additional units.

The signs are a reminder to residents to keep their speed in check, and it is a reminder that the town board is looking out for their safety

There’s a high demand for the signs; people want them on their street. The signs definitely help people recognize the actual speed they’re driving—and slowing them down. We’re very happy with everything we’ve gotten from Radarsign.

My officers love the signs because they can just put it in their car and go…and Streetsmart software helps us to know when to assign officers to an area if it turns out there is a problem, instead of guessing when to send them out.

I would recommend the Radarsign brand and buy more.

I looked at a whole list of manufacturers; Radarsign looked to me like the best bang for the buck in terms of longevity, battery life, data and the ease of pulling the data off the signs….Like everyone else, the sheriff’s office is short staffed. When they’re running 2-3 deputies in town, they don’t have a lot of time to run traffic enforcement. The data we get from our Radarsign brand signs lets them concentrate on specific areas when they do have the time.

We bought Radarsign because of cost and features, including: larger readout, battery power, no down time with snow even when the solar panel was covered with snow. It is pretty dependable.

We tried our first signs by Radarsign as tests and liked them so much that we ordered more.

The community really loves the sign. When we use it in a new area, we start getting more calls about putting it in other areas. Demand in the county is so great, and we’ve got such a good response to it that my goal is to purchase another sign in next year’s budget.

We really liked the portability of Radarsign’s TC-400 because of the number of neighborhoods and streets we needed to cover. We like the ease of exchanging batteries, as well as having wi-fi access as opposed to having to connect a device physically to the signs to pull the data. We also like being able to study the data and use it to keep residents safe.

The data we’ve gathered has been the biggest help for us. A lot of the time, we’re seeing that the speeds being driven on the streets aren’t measuring up to the complaints we receive. Seeing the data gives us detailed info about the worst speeds so that our police department can post officers out at the right time. We share reports with the traffic division captain when it looks like something his team could enforce, and we also share data with the Public Works director.

The Radarsign speed signs help the police department because drivers can now police themselves.

Everybody is happy with the sign. We haven’t had a speeding complaint since the sign has been up.

Radarsign’s display, size and brightness sold me, along with the neighboring town’s recommendation. I consider them a success.

We really like the analytics aspect of the sign. It’s the most important feature to us. The sign helps us to better utilize our resources. Knowing when the peak of the speeding problem is occurring and being able to put officers there during that time to enforce the speed limit is very helpful.

It would be expensive to add salary for a security guard to be available daily to monitor the area for speeding. The sign is a small thing that could have cost substantially more and it’s paying for itself.

We wanted to make sure we reduced speeding, which the sign has done. Even without looking at the data, you can tell people have slowed down.

Our Radarsign brand signs are giving us what we’re looking for, which is useful data on traffic and speeds. The signs work. They’re a deterrent to speeding…One of the biggest pluses for us was that the Streetsmart software was a one-time purchase, rather than an annual license fee like most other manufacturers we looked at, especially with the size of our department and funding concerns.