Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

It works great, slows traffic. But good data is the most important thing we get from it. As the halfway point between New York and Florida, we always have traffic. In fact, we’re one of the top four counties in North Carolina for driver crashes each year, with 75,000-140,000 vehicles going through town every day.

We googled Radarsign, liked what we saw and didn’t look at any other vendors.

We’ve had zero battery issues. They run 24/7, just like you expect them to. You (at Radarsign) have a great product. We’re very happy with our decision and with the signs.

We selected Radarsign because it was the most economical, and the TC-400 offered the features we needed. It is much easier to use and transport than a speed trailer.

We selected Radarsign (the first time) because of price and reputation for service. Our second purchase with upgraded remote data access is even better than the first.

The sign is definitely reducing speeds. We know the communication is working, too, because everyone is talking about the sign and the strobes. And due to the fact that we just ordered two more signs, I’d say that speaks for itself.

We were so happy with our original four signs by Radarsign that we purchased 10 more. The driver speed signs from Radarsign have greatly curbed speeders in our densely populated communities —no longer are we seeing folks speed 81 mph in a 30 mph speed zone.

For the city, it always comes down to price and what you get for the price. Our driver feedback signs are worth the money for the quality. They have great value—what the Radarsign brand puts in the package and their competitors don’t.

The police department was not always able to dispatch officers to monitor and hand out tickets. We saw the TC-400 as a way to solve that problem”especially since it is portable and we can move it around easily.

We have created traffic data files on some of the more problematic streets, documenting the speeds and times, using Radarsign’s Streetsmart. This will help build a case for permanent placement of another Radarsign driver feedback sign.

We really like the Safety in a Box package that Radarsign offers. The instructions were simple and straightforward and the installation was quick and easy. The pre-installed anchor bolts in the Sonotube form made it very buildable.

The signs are very visible to motorists, even on rainy nights.

The signs are working great and are really a big help. Drivers see the blue light and slow down automatically. It’s a good deterrent. One particular area had had several accidents. Since we installed the signs, the accidents have stopped. Bottom line: it’s working and makes it safe for everybody.

They work great. They are very effective. The feedback is very positive.

I looked at lots of vendors, but I bought from Radarsign because the city I live in uses them. A couple of cities around us have signs from a competitor, but I didn’t like the way their displays looked. The TC-400s are brighter and easier to read from a distance.

With the sign, we’ve seen a 12-15 percent reduction in speed. I’m very happy: it’s doing exactly what I wanted it to do.

We really like the analytics aspect of the sign. It’s the most important feature to us. The sign helps us to better utilize our resources. Knowing when the peak of the speeding problem is occurring and being able to put officers there during that time to enforce the speed limit is very helpful.

They are an effective tool for determining whether conditions warrant the deployment of human resources.