Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

Within two months of installing the sign, a drunk driver crashed and wiped out the sign. When city workers retrieved it from the side of the highway, we were shocked to find that it wasn’t destroyed. The signs are made fantastically. Some minor repairs needed to be made and it was like new.

We have used two brands of driver speed signs but feel Radarsign speed signs are easier to install and set up than the competitor speed signs.

They signs work great. They do a good job of giving folks a chance to correct their speed before entering the campground.

We used to borrow radar speed trailer from the county sheriff. But whenever we asked for it, it was always being used. A nearby community had the TC-400, we liked how it could be moved around. We bought multiple brackets so we could easily install it in different locations. It’s a great product.

Residents often overestimate speeds by at least 10 mph. When I show them the actual reports, they are grateful that I came by.

Our radar signs have been money well spent. We’ve spent a lot of money on off-duty officers and Florida Highway Patrol officers to curtail speeding and keep our residents safe.

The board likes the information I provide and asked us to publish the results from the Streetsmart software in our newsletter to residents. So it’s turned into a communication tool for us, as well.

We really liked the portability aspect of the Radarsign products. We looked at 4 or 5 manufacturers, then chose Radarsign primarily because of its portability. We can put those signs all over town. From deployment, we’ve seen them change the behavior…It has helped us tremendously.

And our TC-400 is so easy to use! I also drive a school bus. I’ve found that I can sit on my bus when I’m stopped near the signs, download the data and take it to the office.

We really like the Safety in a Box package that Radarsign offers. The instructions were simple and straightforward and the installation was quick and easy. The pre-installed anchor bolts in the Sonotube form made it very buildable.

The signs are very visible to motorists, even on rainy nights.

We chose Radarsign because we had purchased from them before and they had good service and good quality.

The speeds have reduced tremendously and we have gotten really good feedback from our citizens. Really good feedback.

We purchased the Radarsign drive speed sign due to complaints and traffic accidents in the area. Residents have contacted us saying that they have noticed that traffic has slowed down in the area and are happy.

We’ve had a lot of success with our TC-600. It really gets to the heart of the matter pretty quickly…it takes the emotion out of the speeding issue with data, and settles the matter. We are super-satisfied with the sign. The quantitative data is excellent and gives us sound statistical analysis to make decisions on public policy. We’re very excited to use it; it’s really paying dividends.

This has been the best use of taxpayer money for the county. It limits the time, waste and effort of our sheriff’s department.

The Radarsign speed signs have received positive feedback from the community. They have a calming effect on drivers who prefer the feedback signs over patrol officers.

We had specific locations in mind for the initial 6 pairs of signs we purchased. We performed traffic studies before and after installing the TC-600s and found we were getting a 20% reduction in speeding. So we bought another pair of signs the following fiscal year.

Most of the signs are on our local collectors, where we have higher traffic volume and where speed tables would slow emergency vehicles more than we want. With the signs, we get more positive feedback than negative, whereas with the speed tables, we get more negative than positive.

Our law enforcement was seeing that they didn’t need to have as many officers on duty in the school zones once the signs went up. The sheriff was able to pull resources out of the school zones because the citizens were now respecting the speed limits. I’d say that, over all, speeds were cut in half by using the radar signs.

It would be expensive to add salary for a security guard to be available daily to monitor the area for speeding. The sign is a small thing that could have cost substantially more and it’s paying for itself.

We wanted to make sure we reduced speeding, which the sign has done. Even without looking at the data, you can tell people have slowed down.

We chose Radarsign because it was the best bang for the buck.