Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

Our TC-400 is pretty lightweight, which makes it easy to move. The officers have noticed a reduction in speeding in the locations the radar speed signs were installed. We’ve seen a marked difference in speeding and complaints in our residential neighborhoods. We put them in stealth mode at times and have noticed a 4-5 mile per hour difference than when they’re lit. So we know the sign’s doing its job.

It’s important for us to have the data. Instead of automatically looking at spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for permanent traffic calming measures (construction based alterations to the roadway), with the data I can go to Council and say, Here’s what’s really going on.

We wanted to get the meat and potatoes. Radarsign had more of what we specifically wanted. We could get the bells and whistles if we wanted them, but we didn’t have to purchase them just to get the basics.

We use the StreetSmart software for data collection. We download it and keep it on hand, so if there is a complaint we can see what was going on.

We like the wi-fi model more than the bluetooth connection because it is 10x faster when downloading data.

I’ve seen your products and what they can do. Everything has worked exceptionally well. I fully intend to order more from Radarsign in the future.

Radar speed signs have been very, very popular with our citizens and we now have a long wait list of people and communities who want a sign in their area.

Up front, I told the mayor, We don’t need it, it’s a waste of money. By the fall, I told him, I do believe it’s made a difference. Once we got it in and got it installed, I changed my mind. I’m glad we have it now. It’s a wonderful tool: it really does slow traffic down.

It gets people’s attention. They slow down. You can sit a few blocks away and watch people hitting their brakes. We have residents ask, Could you put that on our street? And we like to do that.

It’s a good quality sign, heavy duty. The batteries last longer than we expected them to, and they’re easy to charge overnight. All around, it’s got good function and is user friendly.

In the past, we’d go sit and run radar to respond to complaints of speeding. Now the signs free a deputy to do other tasks. We’re seeing about an 80% reduction in speeding in the areas where the signs are placed.

We’ve had fewer complaints in the areas where we post the signs. We have 6 brackets for our three signs and move them around the four wards of the city, particularly school zones, and our parks and recreation areas.

We have traffic calming projects in different areas. We wanted to see if feedback signs would drive down speeds. And, so far, the results have been good. We are planning to get two more.

We looked at Radarsign and a competitor. The prices were similar, but the Radarsign seemed more durable and offered more features. They are well made.

I looked at a whole list of manufacturers; Radarsign looked to me like the best bang for the buck in terms of longevity, battery life, data and the ease of pulling the data off the signs….Like everyone else, the sheriff’s office is short staffed. When they’re running 2-3 deputies in town, they don’t have a lot of time to run traffic enforcement. The data we get from our Radarsign brand signs lets them concentrate on specific areas when they do have the time.

Radarsign’s StreetSmart data collection software is very easy to use once it is installed. And the Radarsign speed signs are easy to use, they really are plug and play. The signs have helped considerably in slowing drivers by making them aware of their speed.

We’ve had a lot of success with our TC-600. It really gets to the heart of the matter pretty quickly…it takes the emotion out of the speeding issue with data, and settles the matter. We are super-satisfied with the sign. The quantitative data is excellent and gives us sound statistical analysis to make decisions on public policy. We’re very excited to use it; it’s really paying dividends.

This has been the best use of taxpayer money for the county. It limits the time, waste and effort of our sheriff’s department.

Radarsign was chosen because it was the complete package, easy to assemble and the price coincided with our budget. We found Radarsign, weighed the pros and cons of their radar speed signs vs other signs and purchased the Radarsign brand.

The difference is drastic. They are no longer speeding like they used to. Before installation, we were seeing 3-4 tickets per month with average ticketed speeds of over 42.5 MPH. After installation, we’ve seen only 3 tickets in last 5 months. Now 90% of drivers are driving below 33MPH.

If the industry experts were all saying Radarsign was the best choice, that was enough for me.

On a 35 mile per hour roadway, where the average speed was almost 39 mph, the signs brought that down to 35.5. Peak speeds there were at 44 mph and came down to 41. What we learned is that the average, more responsible driver is much more in tune with the sign than the 85 percentile drivers who tend to ignore it no matter what.

The devices themselves have functioned very well. We can have harsh winters and it gets really hot in the summers, and they’ve held up extremely well. Our TC-600S signs have been reliable in every way, and Radarsign’s customer service, sales and tech support have been terrific.