Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

Besides its mobility, the price of the TC-400 was what we were looking for. It’s lightweight, installation is easy and everything is user-friendly. I call it our ‘suitcase radar’, because we can just pop it off the pole and set it back up in a new location so easily…Our first sign, the TC-400, reduced speeding complaints so well that we hardly ever get them anymore. We noticed the same reaction when we installed the TC-600 signs: people hit the brakes when they see the signs. Most people just don’t realize how fast they’re going—they don’t pay attention. The signs make them more aware of their speed and location.

Our local power company wanted us off the grid as part of the county’s efforts to go green. We realized we could enhance safety and go green by switching from hardwired to solar radar signs.

We installed our Radarsign driver speed sign in April. Your assistance before and after the sale has been outstanding. Most importantly, it works great. It most definitely has improved the safety of our little village.

It was a good move to purchase a TC-400. In fact, it was so good that I opted to order a second sign for more coverage.

We generally pull the 85th percentile data and see what’s happening in certain areas and at specific times. If we see something unusual, we’ll send it to the sheriff and ask them to increase patrols.

We like Radarsign because the signage is not too large, it fits very well with what we are trying to accomplish with aesthetics and it is helping us accomplish our traffic-calming goals.

There is a cost savings with Radarsign because we get fewer calls from areas where signs are installed. And, our citizens feel well served.

I am more than satisfied with our TC-400 signs and the results we get. We run the signs for about 10 days in each location, moving them according to citizen complaints as well as plans for various roadways. We can collect data to see if we actually have problems with speeders in certain areas, and we can take traffic counts too.

After we started putting our signs up around the county, the Sheriff’s department was here asking a bunch of questions, and they ended up buying 2 signs as well.

There’s a high demand for the signs; people want them on their street. The signs definitely help people recognize the actual speed they’re driving—and slowing them down. We’re very happy with everything we’ve gotten from Radarsign.

Our radar signs have been money well spent. We’ve spent a lot of money on off-duty officers and Florida Highway Patrol officers to curtail speeding and keep our residents safe.

The board likes the information I provide and asked us to publish the results from the Streetsmart software in our newsletter to residents. So it’s turned into a communication tool for us, as well.

Up front, I told the mayor, We don’t need it, it’s a waste of money. By the fall, I told him, I do believe it’s made a difference. Once we got it in and got it installed, I changed my mind. I’m glad we have it now. It’s a wonderful tool: it really does slow traffic down.

It gets people’s attention. They slow down. You can sit a few blocks away and watch people hitting their brakes. We have residents ask, Could you put that on our street? And we like to do that.

It’s a good quality sign, heavy duty. The batteries last longer than we expected them to, and they’re easy to charge overnight. All around, it’s got good function and is user friendly.

We used the sign for a period of time without the display to monitor the speeds. After we turned on the display, we saw a real difference. They are definitely effective.

Within two months of installing the sign, a drunk driver crashed and wiped out the sign. When city workers retrieved it from the side of the highway, we were shocked to find that it wasn’t destroyed. The signs are made fantastically. Some minor repairs needed to be made and it was like new.

Our TC-600 looks professional and operates professionally. We’re very pleased with how it’s working for us. I’d say we’re 100 percent satisfied with our purchase

There was a community cry about speeders, and the knee-jerk reaction was, ˜We need speed bumps.’ We didn’t want to go straight to speed bumps because of the time and expense involved, and this Radarsign product would allow us to really look at the traffic data. What we found was that these are even more effective than speed bumps. These signs are bullet-resistant, easy for our staff to operate, just a great all-around tool. It’s one of the best investments we’ve made outside of traditional policing in a long time.

From a citizen’s perspective, this builds trust in the city responding to their complaints. When someone calls in with an issue, we can deploy one of these signs immediately.

There have been a couple of roads where the problem was worse than we thought. Having the data from the signs brought the issues to our attention and we were able to step up enforcement on those roads.