Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We have received positive feedback from employees who notice a big difference in drivers’ speed. The Radarsign’s speed signs are working great!

We like Radarsign because the signage is not too large, it fits very well with what we are trying to accomplish with aesthetics and it is helping us accomplish our traffic-calming goals.

There is a cost savings with Radarsign because we get fewer calls from areas where signs are installed. And, our citizens feel well served.

When I started comparing Radarsign to other signs, I found that Radarsign had everything that I liked. I knew I could stop my search.

Our safety program is very employee oriented. Employees fill out O&Fs (observation and feedback). Speed was one of their concerns. The driver feedback sign from Radarsign enabled us to address the issue.

Drivers are even stopping at the stop signs more now. We have very few phone calls from homeowners complaining of reckless drivers anymore.

I was originally looking for a speed trailer. In doing that research, I learned about pole-mounted driver speed signs, which are significantly less expensive and more versatile than trailers. I recommended Radarsign because of price, the ease of getting a quote and the instructional information on the website—particularly the videos of opening the box and hanging the signs, then connecting for data retrieval. We knew exactly what we were getting with Radarsign.

The sign is working great. The batteries last longer than expected.

We are very, very satisfied with our purchase.

Radarsign was recommended by the county sheriff’s department. The signs work great and we have heard from people who say it is slowing traffic.

We have over 2 years of data collected by our TC-600 and, despite the complaints we get, the overwhelming majority of drivers do not speed. The data we’ve collected disproves the common beliefs about speeding in our area.

The city plans to use the traffic data to secure grants for sidewalks and other street improvements. The StreetSmart software has been very helpful with gathering the information that city operations need to develop the grant proposals.

We have about 6 Radarsign units—a mixture of older and newer models—deployed currently. I’m not a fan of some brands of driver speed signs, but Radarsign’s sealed units keep failures due to environmental factors to a minimum.

Radarsign TC-400 has been up since the day it arrived and we’ve never had a bit of trouble. It’s a great tool, a very good asset for our department. I don’t have to put an officer out there—I can just use the sign.

The traffic study after installation showed that the sign has helped slow traffic 3-4 miles an hour from the 85th percentile—and anything is good. Our radar sign is doing what it’s supposed to.

We learned about Radarsign, and initially bought one to try as a replacement for the previous manufacturer’s sign whose housing failed. Since that time, we’ve replaced all the signs with Radarsign brand and even purchased some additional units.

I really like that they are made in America. That means a lot to me.