Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

The police department was not always able to dispatch officers to monitor and hand out tickets. We saw the TC-400 as a way to solve that problem”especially since it is portable and we can move it around easily.

We have created traffic data files on some of the more problematic streets, documenting the speeds and times, using Radarsign’s Streetsmart. This will help build a case for permanent placement of another Radarsign driver feedback sign.

I’m not about writing tickets and don’t particularly enjoy doing that. My thoughts are about compliance and keeping people safe. Many citizens in our community have thanked us for putting up the sign. I even had one person say, ‘Bring it back over here. I forget to drive 25.

The Radarsign speed signs have been very, very effective at increasing speed limit compliance by park visitors and park employees, alike.

Service and support by the Radarsign team, when we’ve needed it, has been excellent.

The signs work with our volume of cars. For example, on the Fourth of July holiday weekend, the park sees about 40,000 to 55,000 cars come and go through the gates.

We really like the analytics aspect of the sign. It’s the most important feature to us. The sign helps us to better utilize our resources. Knowing when the peak of the speeding problem is occurring and being able to put officers there during that time to enforce the speed limit is very helpful.

Before the signs were up, the cars didn’t slow down, especially the big trucks. After the signs were installed, I can see people up ahead slowing down. Everybody hits their brakes.

Residents love the signs because they can sit and watch drivers’ reactions. I’ve sat in my unmarked car and watched drivers get on the brakes when the sign starts flashing that they’re going too fast.

Our community really liked the idea of radar signs; we also knew that the average traffic speeds were 37-45 miles per hour, which is well above the posted limits…The Radarsign brand signs have worked well. They’re a good reminder that school’s in, kids are crossing and there’s just too much traffic for you to be driving faster than the limit.

I typically deploy them for a week in stealth mode before turning the display on, and we generally see a 2-3 mile per hour drop. It’s enough to get people’s attention, and gives local residents the expectation that we’re keeping an eye open. We chose the Radarsign Model TC-400 because they were the easiest to move around. In addition, the Streetsmart software didn’t require us to purchase a cloud license; we can just download the data directly from the signs.

Radarsign’s display, size and brightness sold me, along with the neighboring town’s recommendation. I consider them a success.

The radar sign is doing better than my highest expectations. Thanks for such great service and products.

The Radarsign driver feedback signs are working wonderfully and are doing what we need them to do. They pick up the speed of vehicles a good distance away and are a great reminder to drivers not to speed.

I know we used to sit there and within only a couple of minutes we’d be able to stop somebody for speeding. Now my traffic guys pretty much ignore that area because the radar sign is taking care of the problem.

We are able to show data to city leaders when their constituents have complaints. The signs gives us the facts to back up what is actually going on out there.

We used a Safe Routes to School Grant to purchase three driver feedback signs from Radarsign based on their reputation of slowing drivers and being durable. The signs operate well and are deterring speeders.

We were so happy with our original four signs by Radarsign that we purchased 10 more. The driver speed signs from Radarsign have greatly curbed speeders in our densely populated communities —no longer are we seeing folks speed 81 mph in a 30 mph speed zone.