Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

It was a good move to purchase a TC-400. In fact, it was so good that I opted to order a second sign for more coverage.

When I started comparing Radarsign to other signs, I found that Radarsign had everything that I liked. I knew I could stop my search.

It would be expensive to add salary for a security guard to be available daily to monitor the area for speeding. The sign is a small thing that could have cost substantially more and it’s paying for itself.

We wanted to make sure we reduced speeding, which the sign has done. Even without looking at the data, you can tell people have slowed down.

We looked at quite a few manufacturers. Because they’d be installed on a state highway, we needed to file an application through the South Dakota DOT. When we talked to the DOT, they recommended Radarsign because the driver signs were working well in another town…Ordering was easy, and our signs shipped faster than we were originally quoted, which is always a plus. The DOT already had experience installing Radarsign brand signs, so that process was easy as well.

We looked for alternatives to our old speed trailer, we liked the Radarsign TC-400 because it could fit in the back seat of the patrol car and be relocated so easily.

The signs definitely slow down the speeders. They 100% work.

The Radarsigns have a wonderful ability to make people slow down and deter their speeding. The signs work great!

We generally pull the 85th percentile data and see what’s happening in certain areas and at specific times. If we see something unusual, we’ll send it to the sheriff and ask them to increase patrols.

The ease of hanging the TC-400 is so convenient. We purchased extra mounting brackets so that we can move the signs around quickly. They are so much easier to install than our old speed trailer.

Radarsign is a high-end product which fits in with our upscale community.

Everybody is happy with the sign. We haven’t had a speeding complaint since the sign has been up.

We needed to replace some old, antiquated trailers and when I found out that I could buy two Radarsign radar speed signs for the price of replacing my trailer AND I didn’t need to use a trailer hitch or vehicle with it, I decided to go with that.

The signs are fabulous and are extremely popular with the community. We constantly get requests for them because residents love the fact that the signs slow down traffic.

We purchased the TC-400 for its portability. It is more convenient and easier to charge and deploy than our trailer… The Marine Sciences CREST Research Park is 8 to 10 miles away from the main campus. There is a single road in and out that serves as a drag strip. When the sign is deployed at that location, it calms traffic very effectively.

The community really loves the sign. When we use it in a new area, we start getting more calls about putting it in other areas. Demand in the county is so great, and we’ve got such a good response to it that my goal is to purchase another sign in next year’s budget.

They are ideal for our rural area, where we have a lot of 2-lane roads at 65 miles per hour that drop down to 45 going through small towns. They definitely catch drivers’ attention.

It works great, slows traffic. But good data is the most important thing we get from it. As the halfway point between New York and Florida, we always have traffic. In fact, we’re one of the top four counties in North Carolina for driver crashes each year, with 75,000-140,000 vehicles going through town every day.