Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We looked at 2 or 3 manufacturers and decided on Radarsign because of the company’s background in law enforcement, reviews from existing customers and the TC-400 just seemed to be one of the more durable and trustworthy signs out there.

We have 2 TC-600S signs—1 purchased about 5 yrs ago and 1 in 11/2019. Once we got our signs set up, they’ve never quit working. It’s a set it and forget it kind of thing.

They’re absolutely working as we hoped. In fact, I’m a council member in my town and we just ordered 2 more signs. The data from our Radarsign speed signs tells the real story; it gives us the power to say it’s OK here, and we need to concentrate on this area.

Besides its mobility, the price of the TC-400 was what we were looking for. It’s lightweight, installation is easy and everything is user-friendly. I call it our ‘suitcase radar’, because we can just pop it off the pole and set it back up in a new location so easily…Our first sign, the TC-400, reduced speeding complaints so well that we hardly ever get them anymore. We noticed the same reaction when we installed the TC-600 signs: people hit the brakes when they see the signs. Most people just don’t realize how fast they’re going—they don’t pay attention. The signs make them more aware of their speed and location.

We like the signs, and being able to access them remotely through the cloud without leaving the office. We also like the support we’ve received from Radarsign. We just like the product and will continue to grow our Radarsign network of traffic safety signs.

We share our Streetsmart reports with the police department, and if we see speed abused above the 85th percentile, it can trigger enforcement or patrols. The data is also readily available to the neighborhoods; if they request it, we can provide it at any time.

I’ve seen your products and what they can do. Everything has worked exceptionally well. I fully intend to order more from Radarsign in the future.

The TC-400s are easy to set up, easy to open and replace the batteries, and they’re visible and easy to read. We really like the fact that you can change each battery so easily. With one sign we purchased from another manufacturer, you have to pull the whole sign down and charge it.

Our enforcement officers love them; they feel they’re really working and have encouraged us to get more signs. Our residents have been overwhelmingly positive—they like the effect they’re seeing when folks slow down.

Our city ordinances require bids from multiple vendors, so I got quotes from 5 when I started looking. Radarsign wasn’t necessarily the lowest priced quote—it was right in the middle of the five—but I recommended it to the city council because I just liked Radarsign’s reputation and data collection capabilities. Now I’ve recommended the Radarsign brand to other municipalities that have noticed the signs and come to ask about them.

Radarsign was recommended by the county sheriff’s department. The signs work great and we have heard from people who say it is slowing traffic.

Since deploying the signs, we have gotten incredibly positive feedback from the community and members of our neighborhood watch…The size and portability were the important factors, but we also found it was well designed and effective

We chose Radarsign because of their excellent reviews and customer service, and our salesperson was very responsive and very thorough.

Now, our force is very short-handed and everyone’s stretched pretty thin. The biggest benefit is that it helps us with timelines. The data shows us when speeding is the worst and I can say, ‘I need you there from 5 until 6.’ It helps me prioritize where we put our officers.

We compare the data collected by our TC-400 signs to the numbers published in the traffic control handbook put out by the federal government to determine if any roadway is having issues. If yes, we get officers out to observe and enforce; if no, we know it’s not a priority at this time.

We learned about Radarsign, and initially bought one to try as a replacement for the previous manufacturer’s sign whose housing failed. Since that time, we’ve replaced all the signs with Radarsign brand and even purchased some additional units.

We went through a competitive bid and pricing process with three vendors before selecting Radarsign. We were particularly interested in Radarsign’s solar and battery backup capabilities. We got great customer service when I was asking questions—and I asked a ton of questions.

They just work. We don’t have to do anything with them. We don’t have to worry about them. When so many things tend to break, we can count on the signs. They have been a real asset to us.