Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

The signs are a reminder to residents to keep their speed in check, and it is a reminder that the town board is looking out for their safety

We had specific locations in mind for the initial 6 pairs of signs we purchased. We performed traffic studies before and after installing the TC-600s and found we were getting a 20% reduction in speeding. So we bought another pair of signs the following fiscal year.

Most of the signs are on our local collectors, where we have higher traffic volume and where speed tables would slow emergency vehicles more than we want. With the signs, we get more positive feedback than negative, whereas with the speed tables, we get more negative than positive.

Our law enforcement was seeing that they didn’t need to have as many officers on duty in the school zones once the signs went up. The sheriff was able to pull resources out of the school zones because the citizens were now respecting the speed limits. I’d say that, over all, speeds were cut in half by using the radar signs.

We have had radar trailers in the past. Now that technology has shrunk to a pole mounted version, we decided to get the TC-400. It is much easier to use.

We initially purchased two signs for a test run and they worked well. So, we purchased four more. We use them in all types of locations from school zones, to business districts to highways to neighborhoods.

We received compliments from citizens about the signs. They love them and want them in front of their homes.

Overall the radar speed signs work great. Having the StreetSmart software record that kind of data is so valuable. Other signs just alert speeders and then they are done.

The TC-400 is a very useful tool. If someone complains about speeders—especially in neighborhoods—we move the sign to that area and collect the data. Then we call the person who voiced the complaint to come in and we go over the data with them. They’re usually surprised to see that the problem isn’t as bad as they thought. In some neighborhoods where it’s already been, the residents are now asking for it to come back.

It was a good move to purchase a TC-400. In fact, it was so good that I opted to order a second sign for more coverage.

Radarsign is a high-end product which fits in with our upscale community.

I am very pleased with compactness, weight, and battery life of the TC-400 and its overall capabilities. They are most definitely effective in slowing traffic.

The traffic data is very useful, especially when there are exaggerated claims of excessive speeding, like 55 in 25 mph zone.

The data from the signs helped us identify one area that we thought had a speeding problem. But we learned it was much worse than we thought. People are ecstatic about the sign. It does slow traffic. The sign helps in two ways. It slows drivers who are speeding and it informs residents who think cars are speeding that they often are not.

Our enforcement officers love them; they feel they’re really working and have encouraged us to get more signs. Our residents have been overwhelmingly positive—they like the effect they’re seeing when folks slow down.

Our city ordinances require bids from multiple vendors, so I got quotes from 5 when I started looking. Radarsign wasn’t necessarily the lowest priced quote—it was right in the middle of the five—but I recommended it to the city council because I just liked Radarsign’s reputation and data collection capabilities. Now I’ve recommended the Radarsign brand to other municipalities that have noticed the signs and come to ask about them.

We have traffic calming projects in different areas. We wanted to see if feedback signs would drive down speeds. And, so far, the results have been good. We are planning to get two more.

We looked at Radarsign and a competitor. The prices were similar, but the Radarsign seemed more durable and offered more features. They are well made.

One thing I’ve noticed that regardless of whether you are speeding or not, when you see that sign you slow down.

Now, our force is very short-handed and everyone’s stretched pretty thin. The biggest benefit is that it helps us with timelines. The data shows us when speeding is the worst and I can say, ‘I need you there from 5 until 6.’ It helps me prioritize where we put our officers.

We compare the data collected by our TC-400 signs to the numbers published in the traffic control handbook put out by the federal government to determine if any roadway is having issues. If yes, we get officers out to observe and enforce; if no, we know it’s not a priority at this time.

The police department was not always able to dispatch officers to monitor and hand out tickets. We saw the TC-400 as a way to solve that problem”especially since it is portable and we can move it around easily.

We have created traffic data files on some of the more problematic streets, documenting the speeds and times, using Radarsign’s Streetsmart. This will help build a case for permanent placement of another Radarsign driver feedback sign.