Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

There was a community cry about speeders, and the knee-jerk reaction was, ˜We need speed bumps.’ We didn’t want to go straight to speed bumps because of the time and expense involved, and this Radarsign product would allow us to really look at the traffic data. What we found was that these are even more effective than speed bumps. These signs are bullet-resistant, easy for our staff to operate, just a great all-around tool. It’s one of the best investments we’ve made outside of traditional policing in a long time.

From a citizen’s perspective, this builds trust in the city responding to their complaints. When someone calls in with an issue, we can deploy one of these signs immediately.

We really liked the portability aspect of the Radarsign products. We looked at 4 or 5 manufacturers, then chose Radarsign primarily because of its portability. We can put those signs all over town. From deployment, we’ve seen them change the behavior…It has helped us tremendously.

And our TC-400 is so easy to use! I also drive a school bus. I’ve found that I can sit on my bus when I’m stopped near the signs, download the data and take it to the office.

We really like the mobility of the TC-400 signs—we can put them where we need them. They work well for us—just as advertised… Having Radarsign speed signs at the school has caused more brake lights than anything else we’ve done.

The signs are a reminder to residents to keep their speed in check, and it is a reminder that the town board is looking out for their safety

Our Radarsign brand signs are giving us what we’re looking for, which is useful data on traffic and speeds. The signs work. They’re a deterrent to speeding…One of the biggest pluses for us was that the Streetsmart software was a one-time purchase, rather than an annual license fee like most other manufacturers we looked at, especially with the size of our department and funding concerns.

Having the sign visible confirms to the public that we’re concerned about safety and makes drivers aware that we’re paying attention.

Radarsign was chosen because it was the complete package, easy to assemble and the price coincided with our budget. We found Radarsign, weighed the pros and cons of their radar speed signs vs other signs and purchased the Radarsign brand.

It would be expensive to add salary for a security guard to be available daily to monitor the area for speeding. The sign is a small thing that could have cost substantially more and it’s paying for itself.

We wanted to make sure we reduced speeding, which the sign has done. Even without looking at the data, you can tell people have slowed down.

We have received positive feedback from employees who notice a big difference in drivers’ speed. The Radarsign’s speed signs are working great!

We really liked the portability of Radarsign’s TC-400 because of the number of neighborhoods and streets we needed to cover. We like the ease of exchanging batteries, as well as having wi-fi access as opposed to having to connect a device physically to the signs to pull the data. We also like being able to study the data and use it to keep residents safe.

The data we’ve gathered has been the biggest help for us. A lot of the time, we’re seeing that the speeds being driven on the streets aren’t measuring up to the complaints we receive. Seeing the data gives us detailed info about the worst speeds so that our police department can post officers out at the right time. We share reports with the traffic division captain when it looks like something his team could enforce, and we also share data with the Public Works director.

We started with two, then went to four, and now we’re up to 10 radar speed signs in the city. The Radarsign brand signs are easy to maintain …practically maintenance free.

They work great. They are very effective. The feedback is very positive.

We purchased the TC-400 for its portability. It is more convenient and easier to charge and deploy than our trailer… The Marine Sciences CREST Research Park is 8 to 10 miles away from the main campus. There is a single road in and out that serves as a drag strip. When the sign is deployed at that location, it calms traffic very effectively.

Residents of our HOA were complaining about speeding and wanted speed humps. After much research I determined that the best solution was driver speed signs from Radarsign, not speed humps. Almost immediately after installing the signs, complaints about speeding stopped.

Had a few people hit by (speeding) cars in dark areas. We wanted to get people to slow down. There hasn’t been an accident since installing the signs. The flashing lights actually get people’s attention, and they’ve helped quite a bit.