Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

The software is so easy to use. We’ve had a few signs from another manufacturer and those were horrible; you need a degree in order to run their software. With Radarsign, I pull data when our police officers ask for it and it’s really straightforward.

We even got feedback from our trucking company that it was beneficial to them; truckers often don’t think about their speed once they get onto property. It’s a good visual, a nice flashing reminder—and installed high enough that truckers can see it.

They signs work great. They do a good job of giving folks a chance to correct their speed before entering the campground.

Our enforcement officers love them; they feel they’re really working and have encouraged us to get more signs. Our residents have been overwhelmingly positive—they like the effect they’re seeing when folks slow down.

Our city ordinances require bids from multiple vendors, so I got quotes from 5 when I started looking. Radarsign wasn’t necessarily the lowest priced quote—it was right in the middle of the five—but I recommended it to the city council because I just liked Radarsign’s reputation and data collection capabilities. Now I’ve recommended the Radarsign brand to other municipalities that have noticed the signs and come to ask about them.

They just work. We don’t have to do anything with them. We don’t have to worry about them. When so many things tend to break, we can count on the signs. They have been a real asset to us.

We’ve seen a 30-40 percent reduction in people speeding. I would definitely recommend the TC-400. It’s really simple to use, easy to set up and the battery life is pretty incredible.

These signs are totally awesome. We have part time police officers who patrol our roadways, and they tell me the number of tickets has gone down. Everything was great. If we were in the market in the future for additional signs, I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase from Radarsign again.

It would be expensive to add salary for a security guard to be available daily to monitor the area for speeding. The sign is a small thing that could have cost substantially more and it’s paying for itself.

We wanted to make sure we reduced speeding, which the sign has done. Even without looking at the data, you can tell people have slowed down.

They actually work better than what we were expecting. No one in our department had prior use or knowledge, so we’ve been pleased. If we need another driver speed sign, we’ll get it from Radarsign.

There have been a couple of roads where the problem was worse than we thought. Having the data from the signs brought the issues to our attention and we were able to step up enforcement on those roads.

We have noticed a huge difference in drivers slowing down where the speed signs are located.

This is the first year that the city can plan to use radar signs on main thoroughfares in the winter because, unlike speed trailers, these will not interfere with snow plows. They will not have to be moved when the streets need to be cleared.

We can use them almost anywhere, even on streets that were previously inaccessible to speed trailers.

We use the sign to calm citizens’ concerns about speeding in their neighborhoods. Those who have a problem, we put it in their yard and share the results with them. We also post it on Facebook so the community knows what is going on.

Often people standing in their yard watching cars pass think that the cars are going much faster than they are. This shows residents the true speed.

These signs definitely get people’s attention…When we started researching radar speed signs, I contacted some of our sister campuses. There are 16 campuses in the UNC system, and many of them were using Radarsign. So we chose Radarsign as well. The signs work well and we’re now long-time customers.

We have a highway where part of it is a school zone. I really like that I can set the sign to change, so it’s 20 miles per hour during school hours, then back to 35 miles per hour at other times.