Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

The 4 signs are located in the neighborhood and we have noticed they do work to slow the drivers down and the residents are happy with the signs. We have not had any complaints, only positives.

Within two months of installing the sign, a drunk driver crashed and wiped out the sign. When city workers retrieved it from the side of the highway, we were shocked to find that it wasn’t destroyed. The signs are made fantastically. Some minor repairs needed to be made and it was like new.

The first sign we bought proved effective. The analytical data is amazing. Our city council plans to authorize acquisition of another sign.

We had specific locations in mind for the initial 6 pairs of signs we purchased. We performed traffic studies before and after installing the TC-600s and found we were getting a 20% reduction in speeding. So we bought another pair of signs the following fiscal year.

Most of the signs are on our local collectors, where we have higher traffic volume and where speed tables would slow emergency vehicles more than we want. With the signs, we get more positive feedback than negative, whereas with the speed tables, we get more negative than positive.

The city plans to use the traffic data to secure grants for sidewalks and other street improvements. The StreetSmart software has been very helpful with gathering the information that city operations need to develop the grant proposals.

The TC-400 signs give us a lot of data, and definitely helps with data trends. I usually collect data for 4-8 streets each month. We use it in our end-of-year reports to the county to show our high priority areas for enforcement.

The Radarsign brand signs are also a ‘feel good’ measure for our area. It lets the citizens know we’re there and keeping an eye on things without having to be out there all the time. It’s been a great tool for us.

My officers love the signs because they can just put it in their car and go…and Streetsmart software helps us to know when to assign officers to an area if it turns out there is a problem, instead of guessing when to send them out.

I would recommend the Radarsign brand and buy more.

We’ve seen a 30-40 percent reduction in people speeding. I would definitely recommend the TC-400. It’s really simple to use, easy to set up and the battery life is pretty incredible.

We had speed trailers, but they are a pain to set up and take down. The TC-400s are smaller and do the same thing, but they are easier to set up. We use the dual battery system and swap them out every 5-7 days.

We generally pull the 85th percentile data and see what’s happening in certain areas and at specific times. If we see something unusual, we’ll send it to the sheriff and ask them to increase patrols.

There is a school zone as you drive into Vidalia. As cars come in drivers see the sign and they slow down. And, because we don’t have to keep an officer posted there all the time now, the signs solve a manpower issue, which also helps with budgeting–an important factor in this economy.

These signs definitely get people’s attention…When we started researching radar speed signs, I contacted some of our sister campuses. There are 16 campuses in the UNC system, and many of them were using Radarsign. So we chose Radarsign as well. The signs work well and we’re now long-time customers.

When we were looking at different models of radar signs, we were most concerned about durability in the Alaska weather. The six signs have held up throughout the coldest months of the winter.

The Radarsign signs are working. You can tell just by standing near the sign. You can watch the cars react and slow down.

There was a community cry about speeders, and the knee-jerk reaction was, ˜We need speed bumps.’ We didn’t want to go straight to speed bumps because of the time and expense involved, and this Radarsign product would allow us to really look at the traffic data. What we found was that these are even more effective than speed bumps. These signs are bullet-resistant, easy for our staff to operate, just a great all-around tool. It’s one of the best investments we’ve made outside of traditional policing in a long time.

From a citizen’s perspective, this builds trust in the city responding to their complaints. When someone calls in with an issue, we can deploy one of these signs immediately.

We’d bought a solar panel-type sign from another vendor and never did get it to work right. It was more expensive than the TC-400, as well.

I’ve looked at what other areas in our region are using, and I like the way the Radarsign brand signs are set up. The batteries are easy to charge, easy to replace. The signs themselves are easy to set up and place on the pole, and easy to move.