Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

On a 35 mile per hour roadway, where the average speed was almost 39 mph, the signs brought that down to 35.5. Peak speeds there were at 44 mph and came down to 41. What we learned is that the average, more responsible driver is much more in tune with the sign than the 85 percentile drivers who tend to ignore it no matter what.

The devices themselves have functioned very well. We can have harsh winters and it gets really hot in the summers, and they’ve held up extremely well. Our TC-600S signs have been reliable in every way, and Radarsign’s customer service, sales and tech support have been terrific.

Radarsign TC-400 has been up since the day it arrived and we’ve never had a bit of trouble. It’s a great tool, a very good asset for our department. I don’t have to put an officer out there—I can just use the sign.

We love the signs. They’re good heavy duty, quality signs, and the battery life has been good… We’re not a large town—about 6 square miles and 12,000 population—and rotating our 2 signs works really well for us. We use the data we get from the signs to target traffic enforcement at certain times on streets with a traffic speeding issue.

All our signs function well, and the public perception of them is positive. People see them and appreciate them being on the roadways.

Our Radarsign radar speed signs do their job in slowing people down, and make a huge difference in regards to manpower assignment.