Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We used to have a speed trailer but it didn’t track data. We like the portability of the TC-400 and the data that it provides. It is effective in assuring residents that their speeding concerns are being addressed.

We really liked the portability of Radarsign’s TC-400 because of the number of neighborhoods and streets we needed to cover. We like the ease of exchanging batteries, as well as having wi-fi access as opposed to having to connect a device physically to the signs to pull the data. We also like being able to study the data and use it to keep residents safe.

The data we’ve gathered has been the biggest help for us. A lot of the time, we’re seeing that the speeds being driven on the streets aren’t measuring up to the complaints we receive. Seeing the data gives us detailed info about the worst speeds so that our police department can post officers out at the right time. We share reports with the traffic division captain when it looks like something his team could enforce, and we also share data with the Public Works director.

The signs have been really great. They have increased public awareness and goodwill. We have seen a real improvement in our traffic situation. Roughly 80% of local people and 70% of those passing through are slowing down now.

The traffic study after installation showed that the sign has helped slow traffic 3-4 miles an hour from the 85th percentile—and anything is good. Our radar sign is doing what it’s supposed to.

We even got feedback from our trucking company that it was beneficial to them; truckers often don’t think about their speed once they get onto property. It’s a good visual, a nice flashing reminder—and installed high enough that truckers can see it.

We looked at a couple different options from several manufacturers. A local agency, the city of Pella , had a Radarsign brand sign and spoke highly of the company. We liked the mobility to move the sign about the county as necessary.

We bought one TC-400 to see what it could do, especially compared to our old, bulky trailer, which is large, expensive, and relatively portable. The city council liked it so much, we bought two more.

The TC-400 signs are a great asset for us. They’re pretty simple to use; our community service officers download the data and it goes smoothly. The battery life is really good. We haven’t had any issues whatsoever. They are an important part of our traffic safety program. Since we can pinpoint the times motorists are more likely to speed, it makes our patrols more effective.

We purchased the 4 signs to be used on a long street that connects the residential area leading into and out of the school university. We noticed lots of speeding on this long stretch of road so they have placed 2 signs east bound 2 signs west bound.

The administrative staff have noted that they are noticing people are slowing down and that has made them very happy with our purchase.

When we put the signs out there, the pedestrians can see how fast the cars are actually going. It’s a good educational tool for drivers and pedestrians.

They work great and are very effective. It works well for us because it is something the residents can see us doing. It is something they can touch and feel. We can’t always put a car out there.

We’ve had zero battery issues. They run 24/7, just like you expect them to. You (at Radarsign) have a great product. We’re very happy with our decision and with the signs.

We learned about Radarsign, and initially bought one to try as a replacement for the previous manufacturer’s sign whose housing failed. Since that time, we’ve replaced all the signs with Radarsign brand and even purchased some additional units.

We want to make sure everyone’s safe. You can put up a regular speed sign—which is OK. But when they’re flashing at you, they’re more effective.

In one area we were having problems with speeders in a 45 zone going into the school zone of 25 and the other area was part of a safety project where we are upgrading the school zone area.

Parent’s have called thanking us for looking out for their children.

From the first day we installed it near the school zones we noticed lots of brake lights so we know drivers are slowing down.

Radarsign is a high-end product which fits in with our upscale community.

The TC-400 signs give us a lot of data, and definitely helps with data trends. I usually collect data for 4-8 streets each month. We use it in our end-of-year reports to the county to show our high priority areas for enforcement.

The Radarsign brand signs are also a ‘feel good’ measure for our area. It lets the citizens know we’re there and keeping an eye on things without having to be out there all the time. It’s been a great tool for us.