Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

I looked at lots of vendors, but I bought from Radarsign because the city I live in uses them. A couple of cities around us have signs from a competitor, but I didn’t like the way their displays looked. The TC-400s are brighter and easier to read from a distance.

With the sign, we’ve seen a 12-15 percent reduction in speed. I’m very happy: it’s doing exactly what I wanted it to do.

Radarsign was recommended by the county sheriff’s department. The signs work great and we have heard from people who say it is slowing traffic.

This is the first year that the city can plan to use radar signs on main thoroughfares in the winter because, unlike speed trailers, these will not interfere with snow plows. They will not have to be moved when the streets need to be cleared.

We can use them almost anywhere, even on streets that were previously inaccessible to speed trailers.

Some 60,000 people move through the Georgia Tech jurisdiction each day. We chose Radarsign primarily because of the data gathering capabilities of the Streetsmart software. Several other vendors had it available, but required an annual fee. The value of that software functionality over the lifetime of the signs—and not a recurring cost—was a better deal.

Customer service, especially, has been quick and responsive. A lot of vendors make promises during the sales phase, then are hard to reach when you need them. But not Radarsign.

Having the data the radar speed signs provide definitely helps. All our towns have state highways coming through town, so we know already there’s bound to be a problem. When the towns have actual data, they can call the state in to do a traffic study that can lead to changes.

The data gathered showed that people were exceeding posted limits near the schools so they passed that on to their law enforcement agents. To me, that’s a huge success. We want kids to feel safe to walk, ride or roll to school, and to make our neighborhoods accessible for all walks of life. These signs give drivers a great awareness of their speed, so they help us do that.

We used to borrow radar speed trailer from the county sheriff. But whenever we asked for it, it was always being used. A nearby community had the TC-400, we liked how it could be moved around. We bought multiple brackets so we could easily install it in different locations. It’s a great product.

Residents often overestimate speeds by at least 10 mph. When I show them the actual reports, they are grateful that I came by.

Residents of our HOA were complaining about speeding and wanted speed humps. After much research I determined that the best solution was driver speed signs from Radarsign, not speed humps. Almost immediately after installing the signs, complaints about speeding stopped.

We’ve seen a change in driver behavior in the locations where we’ve put a sign. After we’ve moved it, we’ve even gone back to a previous location, and can still see a change there.

We bought the second unit from Radarsign because we’ve been happy with the product, as well as the customer support and tech support we’ve gotten

We selected Radarsign because it was the most economical, and the TC-400 offered the features we needed. It is much easier to use and transport than a speed trailer.

The Radarsigns have a wonderful ability to make people slow down and deter their speeding. The signs work great!

We bought one TC-400 to see what it could do, especially compared to our old, bulky trailer, which is large, expensive, and relatively portable. The city council liked it so much, we bought two more.

The TC-400 signs are a great asset for us. They’re pretty simple to use; our community service officers download the data and it goes smoothly. The battery life is really good. We haven’t had any issues whatsoever. They are an important part of our traffic safety program. Since we can pinpoint the times motorists are more likely to speed, it makes our patrols more effective.

We wanted a ˜one-man show,’ something one officer could just grab and go without having to make sure there was a pickup available and a ladder or anything else. The TC-400s are our primary means to address speeding complaints. We bought our second TC-400 within a year of the first, so we didn’t have any lag time before putting out the next sign. And then this third sign lets us respond even more quickly to complaints. They allow us to show data so they know what’s actually going on in their neighborhoods.

Our community really liked the idea of radar signs; we also knew that the average traffic speeds were 37-45 miles per hour, which is well above the posted limits…The Radarsign brand signs have worked well. They’re a good reminder that school’s in, kids are crossing and there’s just too much traffic for you to be driving faster than the limit.

The difference is drastic. They are no longer speeding like they used to. Before installation, we were seeing 3-4 tickets per month with average ticketed speeds of over 42.5 MPH. After installation, we’ve seen only 3 tickets in last 5 months. Now 90% of drivers are driving below 33MPH.

If the industry experts were all saying Radarsign was the best choice, that was enough for me.

We purchased the Radarsign drive speed sign due to complaints and traffic accidents in the area. Residents have contacted us saying that they have noticed that traffic has slowed down in the area and are happy.