Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

The ease of hanging the TC-400 is so convenient. We purchased extra mounting brackets so that we can move the signs around quickly. They are so much easier to install than our old speed trailer.

We use the sign to calm citizens’ concerns about speeding in their neighborhoods. Those who have a problem, we put it in their yard and share the results with them. We also post it on Facebook so the community knows what is going on.

Often people standing in their yard watching cars pass think that the cars are going much faster than they are. This shows residents the true speed.

We googled Radarsign, liked what we saw and didn’t look at any other vendors.

As a city, we have to get 3 bids for every project and are dictated to go with the low bid. Radarsign met all our needs and still offered the best price.

We have received positive feedback from employees who notice a big difference in drivers’ speed. The Radarsign’s speed signs are working great!

The traffic study after installation showed that the sign has helped slow traffic 3-4 miles an hour from the 85th percentile—and anything is good. Our radar sign is doing what it’s supposed to.

Everybody is happy with the sign. We haven’t had a speeding complaint since the sign has been up.

They work great. They are very effective. The feedback is very positive.

Had a few people hit by (speeding) cars in dark areas. We wanted to get people to slow down. There hasn’t been an accident since installing the signs. The flashing lights actually get people’s attention, and they’ve helped quite a bit.

We used to borrow radar speed trailer from the county sheriff. But whenever we asked for it, it was always being used. A nearby community had the TC-400, we liked how it could be moved around. We bought multiple brackets so we could easily install it in different locations. It’s a great product.

Residents often overestimate speeds by at least 10 mph. When I show them the actual reports, they are grateful that I came by.

Besides its mobility, the price of the TC-400 was what we were looking for. It’s lightweight, installation is easy and everything is user-friendly. I call it our ‘suitcase radar’, because we can just pop it off the pole and set it back up in a new location so easily…Our first sign, the TC-400, reduced speeding complaints so well that we hardly ever get them anymore. We noticed the same reaction when we installed the TC-600 signs: people hit the brakes when they see the signs. Most people just don’t realize how fast they’re going—they don’t pay attention. The signs make them more aware of their speed and location.

I looked at a whole list of manufacturers; Radarsign looked to me like the best bang for the buck in terms of longevity, battery life, data and the ease of pulling the data off the signs….Like everyone else, the sheriff’s office is short staffed. When they’re running 2-3 deputies in town, they don’t have a lot of time to run traffic enforcement. The data we get from our Radarsign brand signs lets them concentrate on specific areas when they do have the time.

Radarsign was chosen because it was the complete package, easy to assemble and the price coincided with our budget. We found Radarsign, weighed the pros and cons of their radar speed signs vs other signs and purchased the Radarsign brand.

The police department was not always able to dispatch officers to monitor and hand out tickets. We saw the TC-400 as a way to solve that problem”especially since it is portable and we can move it around easily.

We have created traffic data files on some of the more problematic streets, documenting the speeds and times, using Radarsign’s Streetsmart. This will help build a case for permanent placement of another Radarsign driver feedback sign.

As a city, we have to get 3 bids for every project and are dictated to go with the low bid. Radarsign met all our needs and still offered the best price.