Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

Radarsign is a high-end product which fits in with our upscale community.

We love the signs. They’re good heavy duty, quality signs, and the battery life has been good… We’re not a large town—about 6 square miles and 12,000 population—and rotating our 2 signs works really well for us. We use the data we get from the signs to target traffic enforcement at certain times on streets with a traffic speeding issue.

As traffic approaches the Radarsign speed sign, they slow down tremendously to meet the posted speed

In one area, someone pulled up the entire sign—the street sign, pole, and radar sign, and dumped it in a ditch. We washed it off and it worked just fine.

We’ve seen a 30-40 percent reduction in people speeding. I would definitely recommend the TC-400. It’s really simple to use, easy to set up and the battery life is pretty incredible.

The sign is working great. The batteries last longer than expected.

We are very, very satisfied with our purchase.

We have noticed a huge difference in drivers slowing down where the speed signs are located.

Since installing our radar speed signs, we are seeing a lot of brake lights and have found that we have to do less patrolling.

Citizens like them. They tell us that when the see their speed flash on the sign, they are more aware that they are speeding and often didn’t realize they are driving too fast.

We chose Radarsign because I saw some in McPherson (about five miles away). I called them to get their opinion on them. They really like theirs so I decided to give Radarsign a call.

The community really loves the sign. When we use it in a new area, we start getting more calls about putting it in other areas. Demand in the county is so great, and we’ve got such a good response to it that my goal is to purchase another sign in next year’s budget.

The sign is making a difference, and drivers are slowing down. Residents like the sign and want it to be a permanent fixture on their street.

The Radarsign driver feedback signs really help. We’ve put them in school zones and when people drive through, everyone sees their speed and it slows drivers down.

When I started comparing Radarsign to other signs, I found that Radarsign had everything that I liked. I knew I could stop my search.

Our Radarsign driver feedback signs are used primarily in school zones, as permanent mount signs. But the design is flexible enough to allow us to rotate the signs to other locations throughout the summer months, when the schools are closed. That’s an added benefit of these signs.

Having the data the radar speed signs provide definitely helps. All our towns have state highways coming through town, so we know already there’s bound to be a problem. When the towns have actual data, they can call the state in to do a traffic study that can lead to changes.

The data gathered showed that people were exceeding posted limits near the schools so they passed that on to their law enforcement agents. To me, that’s a huge success. We want kids to feel safe to walk, ride or roll to school, and to make our neighborhoods accessible for all walks of life. These signs give drivers a great awareness of their speed, so they help us do that.

We purchased the 4 signs to be used on a long street that connects the residential area leading into and out of the school university. We noticed lots of speeding on this long stretch of road so they have placed 2 signs east bound 2 signs west bound.

The administrative staff have noted that they are noticing people are slowing down and that has made them very happy with our purchase.