Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

It’s a great PR tool. We use it not to create revenue but to work with the public and slow traffic, and it has done its job.

We were so happy with our original four signs by Radarsign that we purchased 10 more. The driver speed signs from Radarsign have greatly curbed speeders in our densely populated communities —no longer are we seeing folks speed 81 mph in a 30 mph speed zone.

We really like the Safety in a Box package that Radarsign offers. The instructions were simple and straightforward and the installation was quick and easy. The pre-installed anchor bolts in the Sonotube form made it very buildable.

The signs are very visible to motorists, even on rainy nights.

As of Oct 25, 2019, I retired from the City of Muscle Shoals. Thank you for all the help you’ve given me over the years. I wish all vendors were as easy to work with as Radarsign, LLC.

We narrowed our choices to two vendors and Radarsign just had more to offer. The price might have been slightly higher— but we were able to make the justification because of the enhanced capabilities.

We get great data from the TC-600s. It’s a good opportunity to see when the volume (of traffic) occurs, and to explain that the perception that ‘everybody’s speeding’ isn’t necessarily accurate. In fact, we’ve shown that most violators are going 1-5 miles per hour over the posted speed limit.

I’m not about writing tickets and don’t particularly enjoy doing that. My thoughts are about compliance and keeping people safe. Many citizens in our community have thanked us for putting up the sign. I even had one person say, ‘Bring it back over here. I forget to drive 25.

We like the radar sign. People respect it.

From the website to the purchase to the easy installment: This is the BEST TRAFFIC CALMING TOOL OUT THERE TODAY!

Currently I have 6 TC-600S signs purchased early 2019; I am also responsible for 6 additional, non-Radarsign brand signs. We tried other brands, then found Radarsign. They’re just a lot easier to work with and the charts are easier to see and understand.

One thing I’ve noticed that regardless of whether you are speeding or not, when you see that sign you slow down.

Radarsign was recommended by the county sheriff’s department. The signs work great and we have heard from people who say it is slowing traffic.

The signs are a reminder to residents to keep their speed in check, and it is a reminder that the town board is looking out for their safety

Our TC-400 is pretty lightweight, which makes it easy to move. The officers have noticed a reduction in speeding in the locations the radar speed signs were installed. We’ve seen a marked difference in speeding and complaints in our residential neighborhoods. We put them in stealth mode at times and have noticed a 4-5 mile per hour difference than when they’re lit. So we know the sign’s doing its job.

It’s important for us to have the data. Instead of automatically looking at spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for permanent traffic calming measures (construction based alterations to the roadway), with the data I can go to Council and say, Here’s what’s really going on.

We have over 2 years of data collected by our TC-600 and, despite the complaints we get, the overwhelming majority of drivers do not speed. The data we’ve collected disproves the common beliefs about speeding in our area.

Since installing our radar speed signs, we are seeing a lot of brake lights and have found that we have to do less patrolling.

Citizens like them. They tell us that when the see their speed flash on the sign, they are more aware that they are speeding and often didn’t realize they are driving too fast.

We chose Radarsign because I saw some in McPherson (about five miles away). I called them to get their opinion on them. They really like theirs so I decided to give Radarsign a call.