Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We used to have a speed trailer but it didn’t track data. We like the portability of the TC-400 and the data that it provides. It is effective in assuring residents that their speeding concerns are being addressed.

We used to borrow radar speed trailer from the county sheriff. But whenever we asked for it, it was always being used. A nearby community had the TC-400, we liked how it could be moved around. We bought multiple brackets so we could easily install it in different locations. It’s a great product.

Residents often overestimate speeds by at least 10 mph. When I show them the actual reports, they are grateful that I came by.

We like the signs, and being able to access them remotely through the cloud without leaving the office. We also like the support we’ve received from Radarsign. We just like the product and will continue to grow our Radarsign network of traffic safety signs.

We share our Streetsmart reports with the police department, and if we see speed abused above the 85th percentile, it can trigger enforcement or patrols. The data is also readily available to the neighborhoods; if they request it, we can provide it at any time.

We have noticed a huge difference in drivers slowing down where the speed signs are located.

We looked at several vendors, and chose Radarsign because of the ballistic glass that covers the sign face, the durability, and the life of the LEDs. It’s a great product; and speeds have decreased by a significant amount. We’ve never had any problems. Once they’re up, they’re up. We’re trying to implement more in the future.

The Radarsign solar-power system and battery-back up work really well, even with the low-sunlight winters we have here in Amador. We have never lost power with our signs, which was kind of surprising considering how much snow we get.

We have used two brands of driver speed signs but feel Radarsign speed signs are easier to install and set up than the competitor speed signs.

We considered 3 or 4 other manufacturers, but Radarsign’s package with Streetsmart software, colored strobes and messaging was a better combination for our needs. The others all seemed to be missing one key element.

When we installed the signs, we saw a 75% improvement as people became aware of how fast they were driving. That means they’re paying attention.

Our Radarsign driver feedback signs are used primarily in school zones, as permanent mount signs. But the design is flexible enough to allow us to rotate the signs to other locations throughout the summer months, when the schools are closed. That’s an added benefit of these signs.

Folks are definitely noticing them because they are slowing down, and we get all kinds of requests to have them moved to other streets.

The TC-400 is a very useful tool. If someone complains about speeders—especially in neighborhoods—we move the sign to that area and collect the data. Then we call the person who voiced the complaint to come in and we go over the data with them. They’re usually surprised to see that the problem isn’t as bad as they thought. In some neighborhoods where it’s already been, the residents are now asking for it to come back.

It’s a great PR tool. We use it not to create revenue but to work with the public and slow traffic, and it has done its job.

Complaints about excessive speeding have dropped 70 percent since we installed the sign. Having that radarsign light up has created awareness for drivers that someone just complaining doesn’t. Complaints can be subjective—what seems excessive speeding to you might not seem that way to me. But when the sign tells them they’re definitely speeding, then they need to do something about it.

We bought additional brackets and installed them, so it’s easy to move the sign to other streets as needed. We move it around 2-3 times each week

We really like the mobility of the TC-400 signs—we can put them where we need them. They work well for us—just as advertised… Having Radarsign speed signs at the school has caused more brake lights than anything else we’ve done.

The Radarsign signs are leaps and bounds better than the other product we have. The size, portability and mounting is easier with Radarsign. I highly recommend them to other agencies.

My guys download the traffic data from onto their Apple and Android phones without a problem.