Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

The signs work really great. The displays are bright and grab your attention. Every so often, I park and watch traffic moving through the park. A good majority of people will hit the brakes.

We decided to leave the signs up last winter. We weren’t sure what to expect as far as performance, but they were operational all winter long.

I looked at everybody that was out there. I liked the quality of Radarsign. I liked the durability, the YouTube video showing the design and manufacturing, and especially the vandalism part. I was also impressed with the traffic reporting capabilities. ..Our department of public works installed the signs, and then told me, That’s one beefy sign—not just a flimsy piece of plastic we’ll have to replace

In my opinion there is no other product like yours. They are very well built. The ability to retrieve the traffic statistics is well done and the reports showing the trending are very helpful.

Radarsign’s Street Smart software allows us to download data that gives us insight to how many violators we actually have and where to place the signs to deter speeders.

The data from the signs helped us identify one area that we thought had a speeding problem. But we learned it was much worse than we thought. People are ecstatic about the sign. It does slow traffic. The sign helps in two ways. It slows drivers who are speeding and it informs residents who think cars are speeding that they often are not.

Having the data the radar speed signs provide definitely helps. All our towns have state highways coming through town, so we know already there’s bound to be a problem. When the towns have actual data, they can call the state in to do a traffic study that can lead to changes.

The data gathered showed that people were exceeding posted limits near the schools so they passed that on to their law enforcement agents. To me, that’s a huge success. We want kids to feel safe to walk, ride or roll to school, and to make our neighborhoods accessible for all walks of life. These signs give drivers a great awareness of their speed, so they help us do that.

The Radarsign speed signs help the police department because drivers can now police themselves.

We have noticed a huge difference in slowing drivers’ speed on our production plant site. The Radarsign speed sign is really effective!

Cars come blazing into town at 75 mph. The Radarsign driver speed signs are great reminders that drivers need to slow down. It’s nice to see the brake lights come on.

We like the signs, and being able to access them remotely through the cloud without leaving the office. We also like the support we’ve received from Radarsign. We just like the product and will continue to grow our Radarsign network of traffic safety signs.

We share our Streetsmart reports with the police department, and if we see speed abused above the 85th percentile, it can trigger enforcement or patrols. The data is also readily available to the neighborhoods; if they request it, we can provide it at any time.

Radarsign is a high-end product which fits in with our upscale community.

We have received positive feedback from employees who notice a big difference in drivers’ speed. The Radarsign’s speed signs are working great!

We use the StreetSmart software for data collection. We download it and keep it on hand, so if there is a complaint we can see what was going on.

We like the wi-fi model more than the bluetooth connection because it is 10x faster when downloading data.

These signs definitely get people’s attention…When we started researching radar speed signs, I contacted some of our sister campuses. There are 16 campuses in the UNC system, and many of them were using Radarsign. So we chose Radarsign as well. The signs work well and we’re now long-time customers.

The police department was not always able to dispatch officers to monitor and hand out tickets. We saw the TC-400 as a way to solve that problem”especially since it is portable and we can move it around easily.

We have created traffic data files on some of the more problematic streets, documenting the speeds and times, using Radarsign’s Streetsmart. This will help build a case for permanent placement of another Radarsign driver feedback sign.