Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We have 2 TC-600S signs—1 purchased about 5 yrs ago and 1 in 11/2019. Once we got our signs set up, they’ve never quit working. It’s a set it and forget it kind of thing.

The difference is drastic. They are no longer speeding like they used to. Before installation, we were seeing 3-4 tickets per month with average ticketed speeds of over 42.5 MPH. After installation, we’ve seen only 3 tickets in last 5 months. Now 90% of drivers are driving below 33MPH.

If the industry experts were all saying Radarsign was the best choice, that was enough for me.

I started researching safety measures we could add, and found that several of the 17 schools in the UNC system were using the Radarsign brand. I contacted them and got great feedback.

We started with two, then went to four, and now we’re up to 10 radar speed signs in the city. The Radarsign brand signs are easy to maintain …practically maintenance free.

We looked at 2 or 3 manufacturers and decided on Radarsign because of the company’s background in law enforcement, reviews from existing customers and the TC-400 just seemed to be one of the more durable and trustworthy signs out there.

We first operated the signs in stealth mode and gathered data for a baseline. After the signs were was turned on fully functional, there was a 30-40% reduction in speeding violators.

The installation of the signs was straightforward and easy.

It’s an effective traffic-calming solution that doesn’t cost a lot. It has been a good return on investment.

We chose Radarsign because we had purchased from them before and they had good service and good quality.

The speeds have reduced tremendously and we have gotten really good feedback from our citizens. Really good feedback.

Now, our force is very short-handed and everyone’s stretched pretty thin. The biggest benefit is that it helps us with timelines. The data shows us when speeding is the worst and I can say, ‘I need you there from 5 until 6.’ It helps me prioritize where we put our officers.

We compare the data collected by our TC-400 signs to the numbers published in the traffic control handbook put out by the federal government to determine if any roadway is having issues. If yes, we get officers out to observe and enforce; if no, we know it’s not a priority at this time.

The TC-400s are easy to set up, easy to open and replace the batteries, and they’re visible and easy to read. We really like the fact that you can change each battery so easily. With one sign we purchased from another manufacturer, you have to pull the whole sign down and charge it.

We really like the analytics aspect of the sign. It’s the most important feature to us. The sign helps us to better utilize our resources. Knowing when the peak of the speeding problem is occurring and being able to put officers there during that time to enforce the speed limit is very helpful.

Complaints about excessive speeding have dropped 70 percent since we installed the sign. Having that radarsign light up has created awareness for drivers that someone just complaining doesn’t. Complaints can be subjective—what seems excessive speeding to you might not seem that way to me. But when the sign tells them they’re definitely speeding, then they need to do something about it.

We bought additional brackets and installed them, so it’s easy to move the sign to other streets as needed. We move it around 2-3 times each week

The signs are working well. From my unmarked vehicle, I have watched as cars react to the sign. It has slowed them down dramatically.

We have about 6 Radarsign units—a mixture of older and newer models—deployed currently. I’m not a fan of some brands of driver speed signs, but Radarsign’s sealed units keep failures due to environmental factors to a minimum.

We purchased the Radarsign drive speed sign due to complaints and traffic accidents in the area. Residents have contacted us saying that they have noticed that traffic has slowed down in the area and are happy.

We’ve had absolutely no problem with any of our Radarsigns at all. In fact, the very first one we installed got knocked over by a fellow driving a dump truck—and it still works like it’s new.