Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

Now, our force is very short-handed and everyone’s stretched pretty thin. The biggest benefit is that it helps us with timelines. The data shows us when speeding is the worst and I can say, ‘I need you there from 5 until 6.’ It helps me prioritize where we put our officers.

We compare the data collected by our TC-400 signs to the numbers published in the traffic control handbook put out by the federal government to determine if any roadway is having issues. If yes, we get officers out to observe and enforce; if no, we know it’s not a priority at this time.

We are able to show data to city leaders when their constituents have complaints. The signs gives us the facts to back up what is actually going on out there.

Four thousand new students arrive each year and we want them to be aware of the speed limit before they get a ticket. The awareness these signs provide is a huge benefit.

They just work. We don’t have to do anything with them. We don’t have to worry about them. When so many things tend to break, we can count on the signs. They have been a real asset to us.

The Radarsign solar-power system and battery-back up work really well, even with the low-sunlight winters we have here in Amador. We have never lost power with our signs, which was kind of surprising considering how much snow we get.

It’s reasonably priced. The set up and instructions were good. It’s impressive and stays on all the time. Our Model TC-600S is a pretty rugged item that can handle the elements.

Streetsmart software is super easy to use…It’s easy to download data and upload the info; it gives us good information and lets us know if we need to be able to sit at that location at a certain time.

We wanted to get the meat and potatoes. Radarsign had more of what we specifically wanted. We could get the bells and whistles if we wanted them, but we didn’t have to purchase them just to get the basics.

We have received positive feedback from employees who notice a big difference in drivers’ speed. The Radarsign’s speed signs are working great!

The ease of hanging the TC-400 is so convenient. We purchased extra mounting brackets so that we can move the signs around quickly. They are so much easier to install than our old speed trailer.

We purchased the Radarsign drive speed sign due to complaints and traffic accidents in the area. Residents have contacted us saying that they have noticed that traffic has slowed down in the area and are happy.

Up front, I told the mayor, We don’t need it, it’s a waste of money. By the fall, I told him, I do believe it’s made a difference. Once we got it in and got it installed, I changed my mind. I’m glad we have it now. It’s a wonderful tool: it really does slow traffic down.

It gets people’s attention. They slow down. You can sit a few blocks away and watch people hitting their brakes. We have residents ask, Could you put that on our street? And we like to do that.

It’s a good quality sign, heavy duty. The batteries last longer than we expected them to, and they’re easy to charge overnight. All around, it’s got good function and is user friendly.

Cars come blazing into town at 75 mph. The Radarsign driver speed signs are great reminders that drivers need to slow down. It’s nice to see the brake lights come on.

The data from the signs helped us identify one area that we thought had a speeding problem. But we learned it was much worse than we thought. People are ecstatic about the sign. It does slow traffic. The sign helps in two ways. It slows drivers who are speeding and it informs residents who think cars are speeding that they often are not.

Our TC-600 looks professional and operates professionally. We’re very pleased with how it’s working for us. I’d say we’re 100 percent satisfied with our purchase