Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We have 2 TC-600S signs—1 purchased about 5 yrs ago and 1 in 11/2019. Once we got our signs set up, they’ve never quit working. It’s a set it and forget it kind of thing.

We selected Radarsign because it was the most economical, and the TC-400 offered the features we needed. It is much easier to use and transport than a speed trailer.

Many drivers didn’t pay attention to the speed limit dropping when they entered the city. We installed Radarsign speed signs at both ends of the street. We began to see brake lights immediately after installing the signs.

We love the signs. They’re good heavy duty, quality signs, and the battery life has been good… We’re not a large town—about 6 square miles and 12,000 population—and rotating our 2 signs works really well for us. We use the data we get from the signs to target traffic enforcement at certain times on streets with a traffic speeding issue.

Since installing our radar speed signs, we are seeing a lot of brake lights and have found that we have to do less patrolling.

Citizens like them. They tell us that when the see their speed flash on the sign, they are more aware that they are speeding and often didn’t realize they are driving too fast.

We chose Radarsign because I saw some in McPherson (about five miles away). I called them to get their opinion on them. They really like theirs so I decided to give Radarsign a call.

Streetsmart software is super easy to use…It’s easy to download data and upload the info; it gives us good information and lets us know if we need to be able to sit at that location at a certain time.

The signs are a reminder to residents to keep their speed in check, and it is a reminder that the town board is looking out for their safety

Radar speed signs have been very, very popular with our citizens and we now have a long wait list of people and communities who want a sign in their area.

We have received positive feedback from employees who notice a big difference in drivers’ speed. The Radarsign’s speed signs are working great!

Radarsign was recommended by the county sheriff’s department. The signs work great and we have heard from people who say it is slowing traffic.

They are working very well and the residents of Danbury are very happy with the program.

We are very pleased with our signs. We use them in school zones and downtown. We pull data on occasion, doing before-and -after analysis. The results show a significant drop in speed. The Radarsign signs require minimal maintenance without any headache. We put them out and let them do their job.

We noticed a definite decrease in speeding, and the signs continue to catch drivers’ attention and they slow down. Radarsign has a really good product in the TC-600S. They’ve done really well in the Iowa weather; we’ve had no issues at all.

They actually work better than what we were expecting. No one in our department had prior use or knowledge, so we’ve been pleased. If we need another driver speed sign, we’ll get it from Radarsign.

We bought Radarsign because of cost and features, including: larger readout, battery power, no down time with snow even when the solar panel was covered with snow. It is pretty dependable.