Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

Cars come blazing into town at 75 mph. The Radarsign driver speed signs are great reminders that drivers need to slow down. It’s nice to see the brake lights come on.

As long as we’ve had them, the Radarsign brand signs have been doing great. We have a few from another manufacturer that aren’t nearly as dependable and they’re really calming the traffic down.

The traffic study after installation showed that the sign has helped slow traffic 3-4 miles an hour from the 85th percentile—and anything is good. Our radar sign is doing what it’s supposed to.

Some of our Radarsigns have been up for more than 12 years, and we’ve never even had to upgrade. They just work.

We used to borrow radar speed trailer from the county sheriff. But whenever we asked for it, it was always being used. A nearby community had the TC-400, we liked how it could be moved around. We bought multiple brackets so we could easily install it in different locations. It’s a great product.

Residents often overestimate speeds by at least 10 mph. When I show them the actual reports, they are grateful that I came by.

Besides its mobility, the price of the TC-400 was what we were looking for. It’s lightweight, installation is easy and everything is user-friendly. I call it our ‘suitcase radar’, because we can just pop it off the pole and set it back up in a new location so easily…Our first sign, the TC-400, reduced speeding complaints so well that we hardly ever get them anymore. We noticed the same reaction when we installed the TC-600 signs: people hit the brakes when they see the signs. Most people just don’t realize how fast they’re going—they don’t pay attention. The signs make them more aware of their speed and location.

Four thousand new students arrive each year and we want them to be aware of the speed limit before they get a ticket. The awareness these signs provide is a huge benefit.

We have noticed a huge difference in slowing drivers’ speed on our production plant site. The Radarsign speed sign is really effective!

There’s a high demand for the signs; people want them on their street. The signs definitely help people recognize the actual speed they’re driving—and slowing them down. We’re very happy with everything we’ve gotten from Radarsign.

We have had radar trailers in the past. Now that technology has shrunk to a pole mounted version, we decided to get the TC-400. It is much easier to use.

We initially purchased two signs for a test run and they worked well. So, we purchased four more. We use them in all types of locations from school zones, to business districts to highways to neighborhoods.

We received compliments from citizens about the signs. They love them and want them in front of their homes.

We use the StreetSmart software for data collection. We download it and keep it on hand, so if there is a complaint we can see what was going on.

We like the wi-fi model more than the bluetooth connection because it is 10x faster when downloading data.

We googled Radarsign, liked what we saw and didn’t look at any other vendors.

I was looking at the sign’s design and ease of movement around our property, and recommended Radarsign. Everyone who comes on the property notices our sign, and I believe the awareness of their actual speed is why we’ve seen the decrease. It’s serving its role 100 percent to the capacity we expected.

My officers love the signs because they can just put it in their car and go…and Streetsmart software helps us to know when to assign officers to an area if it turns out there is a problem, instead of guessing when to send them out.

I would recommend the Radarsign brand and buy more.

Radarsign was always our first choice. Our experience with Radarsign has been great; I have no complaints….We purchased the sign with the blue and red flashers option, and it’s quite alarming to some drivers; they make the adjustment pretty quick. We definitely see people slow down when they see the signs.