Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

Our Radarsign radar speed signs do their job in slowing people down, and make a huge difference in regards to manpower assignment.

We considered 3 or 4 other manufacturers, but Radarsign’s package with Streetsmart software, colored strobes and messaging was a better combination for our needs. The others all seemed to be missing one key element.

When we installed the signs, we saw a 75% improvement as people became aware of how fast they were driving. That means they’re paying attention.

We bought Radarsign because of cost and features, including: larger readout, battery power, no down time with snow even when the solar panel was covered with snow. It is pretty dependable.

We love that our Radarsign speed signs are transportable. They help our patrol unit officers, who are extremely busy, deter speeders.

They are an effective tool for determining whether conditions warrant the deployment of human resources.

We have 2 TC-600S signs—1 purchased about 5 yrs ago and 1 in 11/2019. Once we got our signs set up, they’ve never quit working. It’s a set it and forget it kind of thing.

We share our monthly traffic reports with the police department. If they see an increase in speeds—particularly in school zones—then they adjust their patrols.

We bought one TC-400 to see what it could do, especially compared to our old, bulky trailer, which is large, expensive, and relatively portable. The city council liked it so much, we bought two more.

The TC-400 signs are a great asset for us. They’re pretty simple to use; our community service officers download the data and it goes smoothly. The battery life is really good. We haven’t had any issues whatsoever. They are an important part of our traffic safety program. Since we can pinpoint the times motorists are more likely to speed, it makes our patrols more effective.

The signs work really great. The displays are bright and grab your attention. Every so often, I park and watch traffic moving through the park. A good majority of people will hit the brakes.

We decided to leave the signs up last winter. We weren’t sure what to expect as far as performance, but they were operational all winter long.

Residents of our HOA were complaining about speeding and wanted speed humps. After much research I determined that the best solution was driver speed signs from Radarsign, not speed humps. Almost immediately after installing the signs, complaints about speeding stopped.

In one area we were having problems with speeders in a 45 zone going into the school zone of 25 and the other area was part of a safety project where we are upgrading the school zone area.

Parent’s have called thanking us for looking out for their children.

From the first day we installed it near the school zones we noticed lots of brake lights so we know drivers are slowing down.

We’ve had a lot of success with our TC-600. It really gets to the heart of the matter pretty quickly…it takes the emotion out of the speeding issue with data, and settles the matter. We are super-satisfied with the sign. The quantitative data is excellent and gives us sound statistical analysis to make decisions on public policy. We’re very excited to use it; it’s really paying dividends.

This has been the best use of taxpayer money for the county. It limits the time, waste and effort of our sheriff’s department.

We’ve had zero battery issues. They run 24/7, just like you expect them to. You (at Radarsign) have a great product. We’re very happy with our decision and with the signs.

I am very pleased with compactness, weight, and battery life of the TC-400 and its overall capabilities. They are most definitely effective in slowing traffic.

The traffic data is very useful, especially when there are exaggerated claims of excessive speeding, like 55 in 25 mph zone.

My officers love the signs because they can just put it in their car and go…and Streetsmart software helps us to know when to assign officers to an area if it turns out there is a problem, instead of guessing when to send them out.

I would recommend the Radarsign brand and buy more.