Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We have 2 TC-600S signs—1 purchased about 5 yrs ago and 1 in 11/2019. Once we got our signs set up, they’ve never quit working. It’s a set it and forget it kind of thing.

We have traffic calming projects in different areas. We wanted to see if feedback signs would drive down speeds. And, so far, the results have been good. We are planning to get two more.

We looked at Radarsign and a competitor. The prices were similar, but the Radarsign seemed more durable and offered more features. They are well made.

We purchased the 4 signs to be used on a long street that connects the residential area leading into and out of the school university. We noticed lots of speeding on this long stretch of road so they have placed 2 signs east bound 2 signs west bound.

The administrative staff have noted that they are noticing people are slowing down and that has made them very happy with our purchase.

We don’t have our own police department; we contract with the county sheriff. We wanted to gather data that would help us get the patrols when and where we need them. Radarsign gave us the options we were looking for. The price worked out well for us, too. Since we put the sign up, we haven’t had the complaints like before.

As a city, we have to get 3 bids for every project and are dictated to go with the low bid. Radarsign met all our needs and still offered the best price.

If I put a sign on someone’s road, we immediately get texts thanking us that it’s there. Some residents have volunteered their property for the next place to put the signs.

Our community is very supportive of the signs. My boss, the sheriff, is very supportive. I can’t praise the signs enough

The signs are working well. From my unmarked vehicle, I have watched as cars react to the sign. It has slowed them down dramatically.

I couldn’t tell you the last time we’ve had an incident since installing our TC-600S signs. People see that speed flashing and they slow down immediately. It really catches everyone’s eye and we’re very pleased with our Radarsign purchase.

The data from the signs helped us identify one area that we thought had a speeding problem. But we learned it was much worse than we thought. People are ecstatic about the sign. It does slow traffic. The sign helps in two ways. It slows drivers who are speeding and it informs residents who think cars are speeding that they often are not.

We really liked the portability aspect of the Radarsign products. We looked at 4 or 5 manufacturers, then chose Radarsign primarily because of its portability. We can put those signs all over town. From deployment, we’ve seen them change the behavior…It has helped us tremendously.

And our TC-400 is so easy to use! I also drive a school bus. I’ve found that I can sit on my bus when I’m stopped near the signs, download the data and take it to the office.

We googled Radarsign, liked what we saw and didn’t look at any other vendors.

We installed our Radarsign driver speed sign in April. Your assistance before and after the sale has been outstanding. Most importantly, it works great. It most definitely has improved the safety of our little village.

I am very pleased with the performance of the radar sign. It has helped considerably with the speed control on one of our busiest streets, and I also like the ability to download traffic data off the device.

We have noticed a huge difference in slowing drivers’ speed on our production plant site. The Radarsign speed sign is really effective!

One thing I’ve noticed that regardless of whether you are speeding or not, when you see that sign you slow down.