Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We had specific locations in mind for the initial 6 pairs of signs we purchased. We performed traffic studies before and after installing the TC-600s and found we were getting a 20% reduction in speeding. So we bought another pair of signs the following fiscal year.

Most of the signs are on our local collectors, where we have higher traffic volume and where speed tables would slow emergency vehicles more than we want. With the signs, we get more positive feedback than negative, whereas with the speed tables, we get more negative than positive.

There have been a couple of roads where the problem was worse than we thought. Having the data from the signs brought the issues to our attention and we were able to step up enforcement on those roads.

We have noticed a huge difference in drivers slowing down where the speed signs are located.

The data from the signs helped us identify one area that we thought had a speeding problem. But we learned it was much worse than we thought. People are ecstatic about the sign. It does slow traffic. The sign helps in two ways. It slows drivers who are speeding and it informs residents who think cars are speeding that they often are not.

Radarsign makes it safer for pedestrians to cross the street.

We use the sign to calm citizens’ concerns about speeding in their neighborhoods. Those who have a problem, we put it in their yard and share the results with them. We also post it on Facebook so the community knows what is going on.

Often people standing in their yard watching cars pass think that the cars are going much faster than they are. This shows residents the true speed.

The sign is working great. The batteries last longer than expected.

We are very, very satisfied with our purchase.

The first sign we bought proved effective. The analytical data is amazing. Our city council plans to authorize acquisition of another sign.

We wanted to get the meat and potatoes. Radarsign had more of what we specifically wanted. We could get the bells and whistles if we wanted them, but we didn’t have to purchase them just to get the basics.

Teachers are telling us that cars are slowing down when kids are arriving and leaving the schools.

There are less complaints about speeding in the school zones since we implemented the program.

We use the StreetSmart software for data collection. We download it and keep it on hand, so if there is a complaint we can see what was going on.

We like the wi-fi model more than the bluetooth connection because it is 10x faster when downloading data.

We bought the Radarsign ‘Safety in a Box’ and that was very convenient.

I looked at lots of vendors, but I bought from Radarsign because the city I live in uses them. A couple of cities around us have signs from a competitor, but I didn’t like the way their displays looked. The TC-400s are brighter and easier to read from a distance.

With the sign, we’ve seen a 12-15 percent reduction in speed. I’m very happy: it’s doing exactly what I wanted it to do.

I was originally looking for a speed trailer. In doing that research, I learned about pole-mounted driver speed signs, which are significantly less expensive and more versatile than trailers. I recommended Radarsign because of price, the ease of getting a quote and the instructional information on the website—particularly the videos of opening the box and hanging the signs, then connecting for data retrieval. We knew exactly what we were getting with Radarsign.

The traffic study after installation showed that the sign has helped slow traffic 3-4 miles an hour from the 85th percentile—and anything is good. Our radar sign is doing what it’s supposed to.