Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We started with two, then went to four, and now we’re up to 10 radar speed signs in the city. The Radarsign brand signs are easy to maintain …practically maintenance free.

We have noticed a huge difference in slowing drivers’ speed on our production plant site. The Radarsign speed sign is really effective!

Our TC-400 is pretty lightweight, which makes it easy to move. The officers have noticed a reduction in speeding in the locations the radar speed signs were installed. We’ve seen a marked difference in speeding and complaints in our residential neighborhoods. We put them in stealth mode at times and have noticed a 4-5 mile per hour difference than when they’re lit. So we know the sign’s doing its job.

It’s important for us to have the data. Instead of automatically looking at spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for permanent traffic calming measures (construction based alterations to the roadway), with the data I can go to Council and say, Here’s what’s really going on.

We have only one patrol officer. People complain about speeders but we can’t keep an officer everywhere. This is like our second police officer.

Having the data the radar speed signs provide definitely helps. All our towns have state highways coming through town, so we know already there’s bound to be a problem. When the towns have actual data, they can call the state in to do a traffic study that can lead to changes.

The data gathered showed that people were exceeding posted limits near the schools so they passed that on to their law enforcement agents. To me, that’s a huge success. We want kids to feel safe to walk, ride or roll to school, and to make our neighborhoods accessible for all walks of life. These signs give drivers a great awareness of their speed, so they help us do that.

In my opinion there is no other product like yours. They are very well built. The ability to retrieve the traffic statistics is well done and the reports showing the trending are very helpful.

We wanted a ˜one-man show,’ something one officer could just grab and go without having to make sure there was a pickup available and a ladder or anything else. The TC-400s are our primary means to address speeding complaints. We bought our second TC-400 within a year of the first, so we didn’t have any lag time before putting out the next sign. And then this third sign lets us respond even more quickly to complaints. They allow us to show data so they know what’s actually going on in their neighborhoods.

Our Radarsign radar speed signs do their job in slowing people down, and make a huge difference in regards to manpower assignment.

We considered 3 or 4 other manufacturers, but Radarsign’s package with Streetsmart software, colored strobes and messaging was a better combination for our needs. The others all seemed to be missing one key element.

When we installed the signs, we saw a 75% improvement as people became aware of how fast they were driving. That means they’re paying attention.

We installed our Radarsign driver speed sign in April. Your assistance before and after the sale has been outstanding. Most importantly, it works great. It most definitely has improved the safety of our little village.

In one area, someone pulled up the entire sign—the street sign, pole, and radar sign, and dumped it in a ditch. We washed it off and it worked just fine.

We purchased the 4 signs to be used on a long street that connects the residential area leading into and out of the school university. We noticed lots of speeding on this long stretch of road so they have placed 2 signs east bound 2 signs west bound.

The administrative staff have noted that they are noticing people are slowing down and that has made them very happy with our purchase.

Everybody is happy with the sign. We haven’t had a speeding complaint since the sign has been up.

Radarsign’s Street Smart software allows us to download data that gives us insight to how many violators we actually have and where to place the signs to deter speeders.

I was originally looking for a speed trailer. In doing that research, I learned about pole-mounted driver speed signs, which are significantly less expensive and more versatile than trailers. I recommended Radarsign because of price, the ease of getting a quote and the instructional information on the website—particularly the videos of opening the box and hanging the signs, then connecting for data retrieval. We knew exactly what we were getting with Radarsign.