Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We purchased the Radarsign drive speed sign due to complaints and traffic accidents in the area. Residents have contacted us saying that they have noticed that traffic has slowed down in the area and are happy.

Our Radarsign radar speed signs do their job in slowing people down, and make a huge difference in regards to manpower assignment.

Within two months of installing the sign, a drunk driver crashed and wiped out the sign. When city workers retrieved it from the side of the highway, we were shocked to find that it wasn’t destroyed. The signs are made fantastically. Some minor repairs needed to be made and it was like new.

We selected Radarsign (the first time) because of price and reputation for service. Our second purchase with upgraded remote data access is even better than the first.

Having the sign visible confirms to the public that we’re concerned about safety and makes drivers aware that we’re paying attention.

We have noticed a huge difference in slowing drivers’ speed on our production plant site. The Radarsign speed sign is really effective!

We looked for alternatives to our old speed trailer, we liked the Radarsign TC-400 because it could fit in the back seat of the patrol car and be relocated so easily.

The signs definitely slow down the speeders. They 100% work.

Many drivers didn’t pay attention to the speed limit dropping when they entered the city. We installed Radarsign speed signs at both ends of the street. We began to see brake lights immediately after installing the signs.

We have had radar trailers in the past. Now that technology has shrunk to a pole mounted version, we decided to get the TC-400. It is much easier to use.

We initially purchased two signs for a test run and they worked well. So, we purchased four more. We use them in all types of locations from school zones, to business districts to highways to neighborhoods.

We received compliments from citizens about the signs. They love them and want them in front of their homes.

The sign is making a difference, and drivers are slowing down. Residents like the sign and want it to be a permanent fixture on their street.

We are able to show data to city leaders when their constituents have complaints. The signs gives us the facts to back up what is actually going on out there.

They work! Radarsign got back to me quickly and was reasonably priced. They were also easy enough to install.

We bought the Radarsign ‘Safety in a Box’ and that was very convenient.

Radarsign was always our first choice. Our experience with Radarsign has been great; I have no complaints….We purchased the sign with the blue and red flashers option, and it’s quite alarming to some drivers; they make the adjustment pretty quick. We definitely see people slow down when they see the signs.

The difference is drastic. They are no longer speeding like they used to. Before installation, we were seeing 3-4 tickets per month with average ticketed speeds of over 42.5 MPH. After installation, we’ve seen only 3 tickets in last 5 months. Now 90% of drivers are driving below 33MPH.

If the industry experts were all saying Radarsign was the best choice, that was enough for me.