Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We added some speed bumps, but some drivers treated them like launching pads. When we installed the feedback signs, they slowed the cars.

Had a few people hit by (speeding) cars in dark areas. We wanted to get people to slow down. There hasn’t been an accident since installing the signs. The flashing lights actually get people’s attention, and they’ve helped quite a bit.

We want to make sure everyone’s safe. You can put up a regular speed sign—which is OK. But when they’re flashing at you, they’re more effective.

They actually work better than what we were expecting. No one in our department had prior use or knowledge, so we’ve been pleased. If we need another driver speed sign, we’ll get it from Radarsign.

I searched the internet and quickly zeroed in on Radarsign because of the portability of the TC-400. We wanted to be able to move it around to different spots as needed. I didn’t even request quotes from any other manufacturer.

When we installed them in June 2021, 29% of vehicles were exceeding the posted speed limits. In March 2022, only 12% were. We’ve also found that, as drivers first notice the signs, they slow an average of 3 to 5 miles per hour. The signs catch drivers’ attention and is a reminder to slow down. We publicize the number of vehicles exceeding 35, 40, 45 and 50 miles per hour—which we’d seen last summer after installation. Last month, it was 0 people exceeding even 40 miles per hour, so they’re working.

We wanted a ˜one-man show,’ something one officer could just grab and go without having to make sure there was a pickup available and a ladder or anything else. The TC-400s are our primary means to address speeding complaints. We bought our second TC-400 within a year of the first, so we didn’t have any lag time before putting out the next sign. And then this third sign lets us respond even more quickly to complaints. They allow us to show data so they know what’s actually going on in their neighborhoods.

We love that our Radarsign speed signs are transportable. They help our patrol unit officers, who are extremely busy, deter speeders.

Our community really liked the idea of radar signs; we also knew that the average traffic speeds were 37-45 miles per hour, which is well above the posted limits…The Radarsign brand signs have worked well. They’re a good reminder that school’s in, kids are crossing and there’s just too much traffic for you to be driving faster than the limit.

It is working great. There has been a really good response. The townspeople are impressed. It is very easy to move. We absolutely love it. We leave the brackets up so that we can easily move it from one place to another.

Complaints about excessive speeding have dropped 70 percent since we installed the sign. Having that radarsign light up has created awareness for drivers that someone just complaining doesn’t. Complaints can be subjective—what seems excessive speeding to you might not seem that way to me. But when the sign tells them they’re definitely speeding, then they need to do something about it.

We bought additional brackets and installed them, so it’s easy to move the sign to other streets as needed. We move it around 2-3 times each week

This is the first year that the city can plan to use radar signs on main thoroughfares in the winter because, unlike speed trailers, these will not interfere with snow plows. They will not have to be moved when the streets need to be cleared.

We can use them almost anywhere, even on streets that were previously inaccessible to speed trailers.

We’ve had fewer complaints in the areas where we post the signs. We have 6 brackets for our three signs and move them around the four wards of the city, particularly school zones, and our parks and recreation areas.

The signs have been well received by the community and, in fact, we just ordered another one from Radarsign last week. We’ve been very happy with everything about them.

We’d bought a solar panel-type sign from another vendor and never did get it to work right. It was more expensive than the TC-400, as well.

I’ve looked at what other areas in our region are using, and I like the way the Radarsign brand signs are set up. The batteries are easy to charge, easy to replace. The signs themselves are easy to set up and place on the pole, and easy to move.

We have 2 TC-600S signs—1 purchased about 5 yrs ago and 1 in 11/2019. Once we got our signs set up, they’ve never quit working. It’s a set it and forget it kind of thing.