Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

We looked at several vendors, but only Radarsign really fit with what we needed. Most couldn’t display a low enough speed for us for use in a warehouse—Radarsign does. And Radarsign has really good ratings from their customers. We felt we’d be better served by going with your brand. The sign does exactly what we need it to do.

We bought the Radarsign ‘Safety in a Box’ and that was very convenient.

Folks are definitely noticing them because they are slowing down, and we get all kinds of requests to have them moved to other streets.

We don’t have our own police department; we contract with the county sheriff. We wanted to gather data that would help us get the patrols when and where we need them. Radarsign gave us the options we were looking for. The price worked out well for us, too. Since we put the sign up, we haven’t had the complaints like before.

We purchased the 4 signs to be used on a long street that connects the residential area leading into and out of the school university. We noticed lots of speeding on this long stretch of road so they have placed 2 signs east bound 2 signs west bound.

The administrative staff have noted that they are noticing people are slowing down and that has made them very happy with our purchase.

We used to borrow radar speed trailer from the county sheriff. But whenever we asked for it, it was always being used. A nearby community had the TC-400, we liked how it could be moved around. We bought multiple brackets so we could easily install it in different locations. It’s a great product.

Residents often overestimate speeds by at least 10 mph. When I show them the actual reports, they are grateful that I came by.

Radarsign’s display, size and brightness sold me, along with the neighboring town’s recommendation. I consider them a success.

We really like the Safety in a Box package that Radarsign offers. The instructions were simple and straightforward and the installation was quick and easy. The pre-installed anchor bolts in the Sonotube form made it very buildable.

The signs are very visible to motorists, even on rainy nights.

Prior to installing the signs, trucks were speeding and rolling over. Since we installed the Radarsign speed sign, we haven’t had any rolled trucks!

There have been a couple of roads where the problem was worse than we thought. Having the data from the signs brought the issues to our attention and we were able to step up enforcement on those roads.

My officers love the signs because they can just put it in their car and go…and Streetsmart software helps us to know when to assign officers to an area if it turns out there is a problem, instead of guessing when to send them out.

I would recommend the Radarsign brand and buy more.

They are an effective tool for determining whether conditions warrant the deployment of human resources.

We looked at 4-5 manufacturers during our process; we chose Radarsign because of the size of the sign, the battery life, portability and ease of installation, and the data we could pull. We really like that we can run them in stealth mode or full operation, and use that feature a lot.

The solar power works really well. We get a lot of snow and the unit was placed in a shady location, however ours has always worked. We’ve observed signs by other manufacturers that didn’t perform in the snow, they didn’t have power.

They’re absolutely working as we hoped. In fact, I’m a council member in my town and we just ordered 2 more signs. The data from our Radarsign speed signs tells the real story; it gives us the power to say it’s OK here, and we need to concentrate on this area.