Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

It would be expensive to add salary for a security guard to be available daily to monitor the area for speeding. The sign is a small thing that could have cost substantially more and it’s paying for itself.

We wanted to make sure we reduced speeding, which the sign has done. Even without looking at the data, you can tell people have slowed down.

When we put the signs out there, the pedestrians can see how fast the cars are actually going. It’s a good educational tool for drivers and pedestrians.

They work great and are very effective. It works well for us because it is something the residents can see us doing. It is something they can touch and feel. We can’t always put a car out there.

The Radarsign speed signs have received positive feedback from the community. They have a calming effect on drivers who prefer the feedback signs over patrol officers.

Radarsign was chosen because it was the complete package, easy to assemble and the price coincided with our budget. We found Radarsign, weighed the pros and cons of their radar speed signs vs other signs and purchased the Radarsign brand.

The 4 signs are located in the neighborhood and we have noticed they do work to slow the drivers down and the residents are happy with the signs. We have not had any complaints, only positives.

We looked at 4-5 manufacturers during our process; we chose Radarsign because of the size of the sign, the battery life, portability and ease of installation, and the data we could pull. We really like that we can run them in stealth mode or full operation, and use that feature a lot.

Our law enforcement was seeing that they didn’t need to have as many officers on duty in the school zones once the signs went up. The sheriff was able to pull resources out of the school zones because the citizens were now respecting the speed limits. I’d say that, over all, speeds were cut in half by using the radar signs.

We put out one sign and received a tremendous volume of requests from other residents who want signs too, and bought another. I can’t say enough good things about these signs.

We put up several Radarsign driver feedback signs and there’s no question they’ve made a difference. The signs are hard to miss and they slow drivers down.

We installed a Radarsign driver feedback sign in a school zone and I definitely feel our roads are safer because of them.

Since deploying the signs, we have gotten incredibly positive feedback from the community and members of our neighborhood watch…The size and portability were the important factors, but we also found it was well designed and effective

We’ve had absolutely no problem with any of our Radarsigns at all. In fact, the very first one we installed got knocked over by a fellow driving a dump truck—and it still works like it’s new.

It was a good move to purchase a TC-400. In fact, it was so good that I opted to order a second sign for more coverage.

Our TC-600 looks professional and operates professionally. We’re very pleased with how it’s working for us. I’d say we’re 100 percent satisfied with our purchase

I looked at lots of vendors, but I bought from Radarsign because the city I live in uses them. A couple of cities around us have signs from a competitor, but I didn’t like the way their displays looked. The TC-400s are brighter and easier to read from a distance.

With the sign, we’ve seen a 12-15 percent reduction in speed. I’m very happy: it’s doing exactly what I wanted it to do.

We were so happy with our original four signs by Radarsign that we purchased 10 more. The driver speed signs from Radarsign have greatly curbed speeders in our densely populated communities —no longer are we seeing folks speed 81 mph in a 30 mph speed zone.