Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

For the city, it always comes down to price and what you get for the price. Our driver feedback signs are worth the money for the quality. They have great value—what the Radarsign brand puts in the package and their competitors don’t.

We looked at other vendors. Nobody had anything of substance. Radarsign had everything we were looking for.

The signs do just what we want them to: slow drivers down.

Our TC-400 is pretty lightweight, which makes it easy to move. The officers have noticed a reduction in speeding in the locations the radar speed signs were installed. We’ve seen a marked difference in speeding and complaints in our residential neighborhoods. We put them in stealth mode at times and have noticed a 4-5 mile per hour difference than when they’re lit. So we know the sign’s doing its job.

It’s important for us to have the data. Instead of automatically looking at spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for permanent traffic calming measures (construction based alterations to the roadway), with the data I can go to Council and say, Here’s what’s really going on.

We started with two, then went to four, and now we’re up to 10 radar speed signs in the city. The Radarsign brand signs are easy to maintain …practically maintenance free.

We bought Radarsign because of cost and features, including: larger readout, battery power, no down time with snow even when the solar panel was covered with snow. It is pretty dependable.

Everything’s working great. We are very pleased with the battery life of the TC-400. It lasts two weeks, just as you said it would.

As of Oct 25, 2019, I retired from the City of Muscle Shoals. Thank you for all the help you’ve given me over the years. I wish all vendors were as easy to work with as Radarsign, LLC.

The sign is making a difference, and drivers are slowing down. Residents like the sign and want it to be a permanent fixture on their street.

I looked around at various manufacturers. The Radarsign brand looked easy to install and change batteries, and especially secure, which was a feature I wanted.

There is a school zone as you drive into Vidalia. As cars come in drivers see the sign and they slow down. And, because we don’t have to keep an officer posted there all the time now, the signs solve a manpower issue, which also helps with budgeting–an important factor in this economy.

The Radarsign speed signs have received positive feedback from the community. They have a calming effect on drivers who prefer the feedback signs over patrol officers.

The Radarsign signs are leaps and bounds better than the other product we have. The size, portability and mounting is easier with Radarsign. I highly recommend them to other agencies.

My guys download the traffic data from onto their Apple and Android phones without a problem.

We looked for alternatives to our old speed trailer, we liked the Radarsign TC-400 because it could fit in the back seat of the patrol car and be relocated so easily.

The signs definitely slow down the speeders. They 100% work.

I am very pleased with compactness, weight, and battery life of the TC-400 and its overall capabilities. They are most definitely effective in slowing traffic.

The traffic data is very useful, especially when there are exaggerated claims of excessive speeding, like 55 in 25 mph zone.