Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Radarsign is a trusted source for the best quality radar speed signs on the market today. Here is what our customers have to say about us.

I searched the internet and quickly zeroed in on Radarsign because of the portability of the TC-400. We wanted to be able to move it around to different spots as needed. I didn’t even request quotes from any other manufacturer.

When we installed them in June 2021, 29% of vehicles were exceeding the posted speed limits. In March 2022, only 12% were. We’ve also found that, as drivers first notice the signs, they slow an average of 3 to 5 miles per hour. The signs catch drivers’ attention and is a reminder to slow down. We publicize the number of vehicles exceeding 35, 40, 45 and 50 miles per hour—which we’d seen last summer after installation. Last month, it was 0 people exceeding even 40 miles per hour, so they’re working.

We really liked the portability of Radarsign’s TC-400 because of the number of neighborhoods and streets we needed to cover. We like the ease of exchanging batteries, as well as having wi-fi access as opposed to having to connect a device physically to the signs to pull the data. We also like being able to study the data and use it to keep residents safe.

The data we’ve gathered has been the biggest help for us. A lot of the time, we’re seeing that the speeds being driven on the streets aren’t measuring up to the complaints we receive. Seeing the data gives us detailed info about the worst speeds so that our police department can post officers out at the right time. We share reports with the traffic division captain when it looks like something his team could enforce, and we also share data with the Public Works director.

Everything’s working great. We are very pleased with the battery life of the TC-400. It lasts two weeks, just as you said it would.

We wanted to work with an American company, and buy an American sign…and we definitely see traffic slow when they see it flashing. The Model TC600 signs do everything they said they’d do. They went up easily and everything works well.

We noticed a definite decrease in speeding, and the signs continue to catch drivers’ attention and they slow down. Radarsign has a really good product in the TC-600S. They’ve done really well in the Iowa weather; we’ve had no issues at all.

The city plans to use the traffic data to secure grants for sidewalks and other street improvements. The StreetSmart software has been very helpful with gathering the information that city operations need to develop the grant proposals.

We tried our first signs by Radarsign as tests and liked them so much that we ordered more.

When we put the signs out there, the pedestrians can see how fast the cars are actually going. It’s a good educational tool for drivers and pedestrians.

They work great and are very effective. It works well for us because it is something the residents can see us doing. It is something they can touch and feel. We can’t always put a car out there.

We have about 6 Radarsign units—a mixture of older and newer models—deployed currently. I’m not a fan of some brands of driver speed signs, but Radarsign’s sealed units keep failures due to environmental factors to a minimum.

They actually work better than what we were expecting. No one in our department had prior use or knowledge, so we’ve been pleased. If we need another driver speed sign, we’ll get it from Radarsign.

We put up several Radarsign driver feedback signs and there’s no question they’ve made a difference. The signs are hard to miss and they slow drivers down.

We installed a Radarsign driver feedback sign in a school zone and I definitely feel our roads are safer because of them.

It is working great. There has been a really good response. The townspeople are impressed. It is very easy to move. We absolutely love it. We leave the brackets up so that we can easily move it from one place to another.

I really like that they are made in America. That means a lot to me.

The signs are working well. From my unmarked vehicle, I have watched as cars react to the sign. It has slowed them down dramatically.

Radarsign is a high-end product which fits in with our upscale community.