Radarsign Cloud™
Manage your Devices and Data Intelligently & Efficiently with Radarsign Cloud™
Radarsign Cloud™ is a secure, web-based, cloud management system providing centralized management of your network of devices and traffic data from any internet connected device…anywhere, anytime.

Key Features of the Radarsign Cloud™
- Authorized users have instant access to the network from anywhere with an internet connection using an internet-ready device
- Provides push delivery of software, firmware, and code updates/upgrades directly to the radar speed sign
- Access and manage your entire network of radar speed signs and other 3rd party devices, like school zone beacons, with GPS mapping
- Manage device settings from GPS map zoom-in feature
- Partial day data upload on-demand
Cost and Resource Effective
- Annual access fee is lowest in the traffic safety industry
- Eliminates the need for resources to be deployed to the field to manage individual signs, saving time, fuel, and training costs
- Ease of operation from web page reduces the re-training time due to employee turnover
- Allows up to 200 users with either full or limited access. The three user access levels are:
- Administrator: Has full access to everything including add or remove a user, add signs, or run reports
- Device Manager: Same as administrator except that they cannot add or remove another user
- Read Only User: Can run the standard reports or customize their own reports
- Fully accessible from any internet connected device
- Reduces time and complexity of operating and managing your radar speed signs, school zone beacons, and other devices
- Radar speed sign will connect to Cloud upon powering up
- Check in feature connects with Cloud every 15 minutes (96x/day) for any updates
- IT independent, no special work required by network administrators; System works outside customer network
- Cloud database is managed 100% by Radarsign; No customer input required
Utilizing cloud-based architecture, Radarsign Cloud™ provides secure and reliable communication between the system server and network controller
User Friendly
- Access to all device information in one location
- Hover over device icon to see current operating settings and sign status for each location
- Secondary access to Radarsign brand speed signs is via Wi-Fi, using any smart phone, tablet, or laptop, from up to 300 feet from the sign. No special app or internet access is required.
Easy Scheduling
- Advanced scheduling | Continuous multi-year schedule can be pre-programmed
- Multiple devices can share the same schedule.
- Program device operation individually, or as a group
- Provides daily diagnosis of device health and battery levels. It also notifies system if power drops too low or device fails to communicate with the host.
- Alerts can be sent via email and/or text messages to the preset administrator when triggered
- Receive alerts for:
- Low battery level – Warns administrators before the power level reaches a critical level
- Device off-line
- Location change – Alerts that the sign has been moved
- Non-normal events – Alerts when there is abnormal traffic flow (e.g.: congestion or an accident)
- Tampering
Automated Data Collection
*Requires the purchase of Streetsmart Data Collection and Reporting
- Traffic data uploaded to Cloud server every night.
- Data management greatly simplified using easy web-based interface to view data in multiple formats including charts, tables, and graphs
- In case of interruption of Radarsign Cloud™ service, schedule of operation is locally stored on the device for 30 days of normal operation
- Metrics of temperature and battery usage are recorded daily, for each 15 minutes of the day
- Keeps traffic data for each sign location so even if the sign is moved to another location, the traffic data for each location is available.
- Stealth mode: Display on-off feature allows traffic data collection to continue even when the display is off and compare to when the sign is on to measure the impact that the radar speed sign has on driving patterns.
- If Cloud communication is interrupted, traffic data remains intact in the sign for one year, so ‘one-off’ uploads for individual days, or groups of days, can be done by administrator.
Views of Traffic Data (charts, graphs, tables)
- Speeds by week, day, hour, 1/2 hour, or 15 minutes
- Compare one time period with another
- Data can be exported, printed, or saved as table, chart, or graph
- Vehicle counts by week, day, hour, 1/2 hour, or 15 minutes
- Average speed data, fastest speed data, 50th and 85th percentile speeds
- # of vehicles travelling more than 5 mph over speed limit, more than 10 mph over, and more than 15 mph over
- Custom reports: great flexibility in allowing you ‘create your own’ view of the data
Technical Support
- Our technical support department is here to troubleshoot and resolve an issue with your sign remotely, avoiding anyone having to physically go to the sign, saving time and resources.
- 2-year warranty on the cellular network controller as well as the radar speed sign
Radarsign Cloud is available for use with the TC-600 , TC-800, and TC-1100 models | Cloud Service Available in the US and Canada
Certified Quality System
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001:2015
MUTCD Compliant
Radar Speed Signs
Radar Speed Signs
Radarsign is a federally approved contractor in the SAM database
Proudly Engineered & Manufactured in the USA