Radarsign Helps Pace Parking Lots at Major Automobile Manufacturer Facility (Hyundai)

If you’ve ever been around right before shift change, you know that lots of people get antsy to get home — and sometimes they don’t make the safest decisions about how fast to drive.

A major auto manufacturer was having that particular issue in late 2019. With three shifts daily, that meant 1,200-1,500 people leaving the plant and the same number arriving in a short window of time. Three times each day, thousands of employees would speed through the parking lots and along an access road for the parking lots. 

After a few near misses and some folks getting bumped in the parking lots, it was time to take action. In the interest of keeping everyone as safe as possible, the security department purchased two TC-600S driver feedback signs from Radarsign as a visual to let employees know when they were speeding. They considered three or four other manufacturers, but the package from Radarsign — with Streetsmart software to collect and analyze their traffic data, colored strobes and the ability to personalize messages — was the best fit for their needs.

The results have been immediate and impressive: Since the signs were installed, the security department has seen a 75 percent reduction in speeding, as people became aware of how fast they’re driving. That means they’re paying attention… and that’s the point.

Radarsign has proven solutions for traffic calming in a variety of settings. Check out the Radarsign TC-600 here or call us at 678-965-4814.