Village of Wilmette Chooses Radarsign for Flexibility, Portability, Response to Residents

The Village of Wilmette, IL, borders Lake Michigan along Chicago’s scenic North Shore.

Traditionally, the village relied on plate counters for traffic calming, but it became frustrating when the devices couldn’t operate effectively because of on-street parking, causing skewed readings instead of accurate information. Then residents began requesting driver speed signs, noting they’d seen them in neighboring communities.

After researching several brands, the village selected the portable Radarsign model TC-400, knowing they’d be the quickest and easiest signs to move around town, and they could be mounted high enough above parked vehicles to capture accurate traffic data.

The village engineers were pleased that Radarsign’s Streetsmart software didn’t require a cloud license; they download their data directly from the signs and pull it into reports. Other benefits included portability — they move the signs frequently, based on resident requests, active construction zones, school zones and detour routes — and longevity of battery power. While they looked at solar initially, Wilmette has a lot of tree coverage, so it wasn’t the best fit for their needs.

They monitor data on a monthly basis, communicating with residents about whether speeding is or isn’t an issue on their particular streets. And if they see anything out of the ordinary, they pass the information along to the police department for enforcement.

Sound familiar? If your town is struggling with similar issues, check out the Radarsign TC-400 here or call us at 678-965-4814.